Items where Subject is "Birkbeck Faculties and Schools > Faculty of Science > School of Psychological Sciences"

Amso, D. and Kirkham, Natasha Z. (2021) A multiple-memory systems framework for examining attention and memory interactions in infancy. Child Development Perspectives 15 (2), pp. 132-138. ISSN 1750-8592.
Archer, Sinead and Houghton, Marie and Tasker, Fiona (2021) UK COVID-19 Lockdown 18-60 Experiences preliminary results: results based on a nationwide sample of 916 cisgender heterosexual people aged 18-60. Working Paper. Fiona Tasker, London, UK. (Unpublished)
BURTON, Jason and Cruz, Nicole and Hahn, Ulrike (2021) Reconsidering evidence of moral contagion in online social networks. Nature Human Behaviour 5 , pp. 1629-1635. ISSN 2397-3374.
Bardo, A. and Kivell, T. and Town, K. and Donati, Georgina and Ballieux, H. and Stamate, Cosmin and Edginton, T. and Forrester, Gillian (2021) Get a grip: variation in human hand grip strength and implications for human evolution. Symmetry 13 (7), p. 1142. ISSN 2073-8994.
Barkhuizen, W. and Dudbridge, F. and Ronald, Angelica (2021) Genetic overlap and causal associations between smoking behaviours and mental health. Scientific Reports 11 (14871), ISSN 2045-2322.
Bast, N. and Mason, L. and Freitag, C.M. and Smith, Tim J. and Portugal, A.M. and Poustka, L. and Banaschewski, T. and Johnson, Mark H. (2021) Saccade dysmetria indicates attenuated visual exploration in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 62 (2), pp. 149-159. ISSN 0021-9630.
Bedford, Rachael and Carter Leno, V. and Wright, N. and Bluette-Duncan, M. and Smith, Tim J. and Anzures, Gizelle and Pickles, A. and Sharp, H. and Hill, J. (2021) Emotion recognition performance in children with callous unemotional traits is modulated by co-occurring Autistic traits. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 50 (6), pp. 811-827. ISSN 1537-4416.
Begum Ali, Jannath and Kolesnik-Taylor, A. and Quiroz, I. and Mason, Luke and Garg, S. and Green, J. and Johnson, Mark H. and Jones, Emily J.H. (2021) Early differences in auditory processing relate to Autism Spectrum Disorder traits in infants with Neurofribramatosis Type I. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 13 , ISSN 1866-1955.
Bell, D. and Mareschal, Denis and Unlocke Team, The (2021) UnLocke-ing learning in maths and science: the role of cognitive inhibition in developing counter-intuitive concepts. Journal of Emergent Science 20 , pp. 19-31. ISSN 2046-4754.
Berggren, Nick and Eimer, Martin (2021) Tuning in to anxiety-related differences in attentional control: apprehension of threat improves template switching during visual search. Emotion 21 (5), pp. 1083-1090. ISSN 1528-3542.
Berggren, Nick and Eimer, Martin (2021) The guidance of attention by templates for rejection during visual search. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 83 , pp. 38-57. ISSN 1943-3921.
Berggren, Nick and Eimer, Martin (2021) The role of trait anxiety in attention and memory-related biases to threat: an event-related potential study. Psychophysiology 58 (3), e13742. ISSN 0048-5772.
Bertelsen, N. and Landi, I. and Bethlehem, R.A.I. and Seidlitz, J. and Busuoli, E.M. and Mandelli, V. and Satta, E. and Trakoshis, S. and Auyeung, B. and Kundu, P. and Loth, E. and Dumas, G. and Baumeister, S. and Beckmann, C.F. and Bölte, S. and Bourgeron, T. and Charman, T. and Durston, S. and Ecker, C. and Holt, R.J. and Johnson, Mark H. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Mason, L. and Meyer-Lindenberg, A. and Moessnang, C. and Oldehinkel, M. and Persico, A.M. and Tillmann, J. and Williams, S.C.R. and Spooren, W. and Murphy, D.G.M. and Buitelaar, J.K. and Baron-Cohen, S. and Lai, M.-C. and Lombardo, M.V. (2021) Imbalanced social-communicative and restricted repetitive behavior subtypes of autism spectrum disorder exhibit different neural circuitry. Communications Biology 4 (1), ISSN 2399-3642.
Bhavnani, S. and Lockwood Estrin, Georgia and Haartsen, Rianne and Jensen, S.K.G. and Gliga, Teodora and Patel, V. and Johnson, Mark H. (2021) EEG signatures of cognitive and social development of preschool children-a systematic review. PLoS One 16 (2), e0247223. ISSN 1932-6203.
Blakeman, Sam (2021) Understanding efficient reinforcement learning in humans and machines. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Bogza, A. and McDowall, Almuth and Brown, J. (2021) “Little Red Sandals”: female police officers' lived experience of investigating sexual violence. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 44 (1), pp. 32-48. ISSN 1363-951X.
Brooks-Gordon, Belinda and Ebbitt, E. (2021) The Chemsex ‘Consent Ladder’ in male sex work: perspectives of health providers on derailment and empowerment. Social Sciences 10 (2), p. 69. ISSN 2076-0760.
Brzozowska, Alicja (2021) Caregiver touch and infant exploratory behaviour. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Brzozowska, Alicja and Longo, Matthew R. and Mareschal, Denis and Wiesemann, F. and Gliga, Teodora (2021) Capturing touch in parent-infant interaction: a comparison of methods. Infancy 26 (3), pp. 494-514. ISSN 1525-0008.
Bunce, Carl and Gray, K. and Cook, Richard (2021) The perception of interpersonal distance is distorted by the Müller-Lyer illusion. Scientific Reports 11 (494), ISSN 2045-2322.
Bussu, G. and Llera, A. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Tye, C. and Johnson, Mark H. and Beckmann, C. and Buitelaar, J. (2021) Uncovering neurodevelopmental paths to Autism Spectrum Disorder through an integrated analysis of developmental measures and neural sensitivity to faces. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 46 (1), E34-E43. ISSN 1180-4882.
Cardno, A.G. and Selzam, S. and Freeman, D. and Ronald, Angelica (2021) Psychotic-like experiences in adolescence occurring in combination or isolation: associations with Schizophrenia risk factors. Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice 3 (2), pp. 67-75. ISSN 2575-5609.
Carone, N. and Bos, H.M.W. and Shenkman, G. and Tasker, Fiona (2021) LGBTQ parents and their children during the family life cycle. [Editorial/Introduction]
Chamberlain, S.R. and Solly, J.E. and Hook, R.W. and Vaghi, Matilde M. and Robbins, T.W. (2021) Cognitive inflexibility in OCD and related disorders. In: Fineberg, N.A. and Robbins, T. (eds.) The Neurobiology and Treatment of OCD: Accelerating Progress. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences 49. Springer, pp. 125-145. ISBN 9783030753924.
Chater, N. and Oaksford, Mike (2021) Bayesian rationality in the psychology of reasoning. In: Knauff, M. and Spohn, W. (eds.) Handbook of Rationality. Cambridge, U.S.: MIT Press. ISBN 9780262045070. (In Press)
Chater, N. and Oaksford, Mike (2021) Reasoning and argumentation. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190236557.
Chere, Brittney and Kirkham, Natasha Z. (2021) The negative impact of noise on adolescents’ executive function: an online study in the context of home-learning during a pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology , ISSN 1664-1078.
Choobin, M.H. and Mirabolfathi, Vida and Chapman, Bethany and Moradi, A.R. and Grunfeld, Beth and Derakhshan, Nazanin (2021) The impact of COVID-19 outbreak on emotional and cognitive vulnerability in Iranian women With Breast Cancer. Frontiers in Psychology - Psycho-Oncology , ISSN 1664-1078.
Constantino, J. and Charman, T. and Jones, Emily J.H. (2021) Clinical and translational implications of new understanding of a developmental sub structure for autism. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 17 , pp. 365-389. ISSN 1548-5943.
Cooper, Richard P. (2021) Précis of Cooper, Byde, de Cecilio, Fulks and Morais (2018): ‘Set-Shifting and Place-Keeping as Separable Control Processes’. The Cognitive Psychology Bulletin 6 , pp. 8-13. ISSN 2397-2661.
Costa, P.A. and Gubello, A. and Tasker, Fiona (2021) Intentional kinship through caring relationships, heritage, and identity: adoptive parents’ inclusion of non-biological and non-affinal relationships on family maps. Genealogy 5 (4), p. 85. ISSN 2313-5778.
Costa, P.A. and Tasker, Fiona and Leal, I.P. (2021) Different placement practices for different families? Children's adjustment in LGH adoptive families. Frontiers in Psychology 12 , ISSN 1664-1078.
Csink, Viktoria and Mareschal, Denis and Gliga, Teodora (2021) Does surprise enhance infant memory? Assessing the impact of the encoding context on subsequent object recognition. Infancy 26 (2), pp. 303-318. ISSN 1525-0008.
D'Angelo, M. and Tucciarelli, R. and Maister, L. and Frassinetti, F. and Longo, Matthew R. (2021) Embodying an invisible face shrinks the cone of gaze. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 150 (6), pp. 1132-1146. ISSN 0096-3445.
De Maio, G. and Bottini, G. and Ferré, Elisa Raffaella (2021) Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation influences risk-taking behaviour. Neuropsychologia 160 , p. 107965. ISSN 0028-3932.
De Mooij, Susanne (2021) Optimising adaptivity in online learning environments. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
De Mooij, Susanne and Raijmakers, M.E.J. and Dumontheil, Iroise and Kirkham, Natasha Z. and van der Maas, H.L.J. (2021) Error detection through mouse movement in an online adaptive learning environment. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 37 (1), pp. 242-252. ISSN 0266-4909.
Del Bianco, Teresa and Mason, Luke and Charman, T. and Tillman, J. and Loth, E. and Hayward, H. and Shic, F. and Buitelaar, J. and Johnson, Mark H. and Jones, Emily J.H. and The EU-AIMS, Leap Group (2021) Temporal profiles of social attention are different across development in Autistic and Neurotypical people. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 6 (8), pp. 813-824. ISSN 2451-9022.
Derakhshan, Nazanin (2021) Cognitive control can improve the quality of life of women with breast cancer. The Psychologist 34 , pp. 42-45. ISSN 0952-8229.
Dobretsova, Anna and Derakhshan, Nazanin (2021) Cognitive function and emotional vulnerability in metastatic breast cancer: moderating effects of age and social support. Psycho-Oncology , ISSN 1099-1611.
Donati, G. and Forrester, Gillian (2021) Hindsight 20/20: the future of laterality research. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition 26 (3), pp. 330-335. ISSN 1357-650X.
Donati, Georgina and Dumontheil, Iroise and Pain, O. and Asbury, K. and Meaburn, Emma (2021) Evidence for specificity of polygenic contributions to attainment in English, maths and science during adolescence. Scientific Reports 11 (3851), ISSN 2045-2322.
Donati, Georgina and Meaburn, Emma and Dumontheil, Iroise (2021) Internalising and externalising in early adolescence predict later executive function, not the other way around: a cross-lagged panel analysis. Cognition and Emotion 35 (5), pp. 986-998. ISSN 0269-9931.
Drisdelle, Brandi Lee and Eimer, Martin (2021) PD components and distractor inhibition in visual search: new evidence for the Signal Suppression Hypothesis. Psychophysiology 58 (9), e13878. ISSN 0048-5772.
de Hesselle, L.C. and Rozgonjuk, D. and Sindermann, C. and Pontes, Halley and Montag, C. (2021) The associations between big five personality traits, gaming motives, and self-reported time spent gaming. Personality and Individual Differences 171 , p. 110483. ISSN 0191-8869.
Eggleston, A. and Flavell, J. and Tipper, S. and Cook, Richard and Over, H. (2021) Culturally learned first impressions occur rapidly and automatically and emerge early in development. Developmental Science 24 (2), e13021. ISSN 1363-755x.
Ersche, K.D. and Lim, T.V. and Murley, A.G. and Rua, C. and Vaghi, Matilde M. and White, T.L. and Williams, G.B. and Robbins, T.W. (2021) Reduced Glutamate Turnover in the Putamen Is Linked With Automatic Habits in Human Cocaine Addiction. Biological Psychiatry 89 (10), pp. 970-979. ISSN 0006-3223.
Ersoy, M. and Charman, T. and Pasco, G. and Carr, E. and Johnson, Mark H. and Jones, Emily J.H. (2021) Developmental paths to anxiety in an Autism-enriched infant cohort: the role of temperamental reactivity and regulation. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51 , pp. 2631-2645. ISSN 0162-3257.
Falck-Ytter, T. and Hamrefors, L. and Sanchez, M.S. and Portugal, A.M. and Taylor, M.J. and Li, D. and Viktorsson, C. and Hardiansyah, I. and Myers, L. and Westberg, L. and Bölte, S. and Tammimies, K. and Ronald, Angelica (2021) The Babytwins Study Sweden (BATSS): a multi-method infant twin study of genetic and environmental factors influencing infant brain and behavioral development. Twin Research and Human Genetics 24 (4), pp. 217-227. ISSN 1832-4274.
Farr, Joanna (2021) Understanding the experience of mood change and early intervention for people diagnosed with bipolar disorder. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Farr, Joanna and Edbrooke-Childs, J. and Town, R. and Pietkiewicz, D. and Young, I. and Stapley, E. (2021) Counseling for young people and families affected by child sexual exploitation and abuse: a qualitative investigation of the perspective of young people, parents, and professionals. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 30 (1), pp. 102-123. ISSN 1547-0679.
Farr, Joanna and Moore, A. and Bruffell, H. and Hayes, J. and Rae, J. and Cooper, M. (2021) The impact of a needs-based model of care on accessibility and quality of care within children's mental health services: a qualitative investigation of the UK i-THRIVE Programme. Child Care, Health and Development 47 (4), pp. 442-450. ISSN 1365-2214.
Ferrè, Elisa Raffaella and Alsmith, A.J.T. and Haggard, P. and Longo, Matthew (2021) The vestibular system modulates the contributions of head and torso to egocentric spatial judgements. Experimental Brain Research 239 , pp. 2295-2302. ISSN 0014-4819.
Fish, L. and Nystrom, P. and Gliga, Teodora and Gui, Anna and Begum Ali, Jannath and Mason, Luke and Garg, S. and Green, J. and Johnson, Mark H. and Charman, T. and Harrison, Rebecca and Meaburn, Emma and Falck-Ytter, T. and Jones, Emily J.H. (2021) Development of the pupillary light reflex from 9 to 24 months: association with common ASD genetic liability and 3-year ASD diagnosis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 62 (11), pp. 1308-1319. ISSN 0021-9630.
Fish, Laurel and Nyström, P. and Gliga, Teodora and Gui, Anna and Begum Ali, Jannath and Mason, Luke and Garg, S. and Green, Jonathan and Johnson, Mark H. and Charman, T. and Harrison, Rebecca and Meaburn, Emma and Falck-Ytter, t. and Jones, Emily J.H. (2021) Development of the pupillary light reflex from 9- to 24-months in infants with elevated familial and genetic liability to autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 62 (11), ISSN 0021-9630.
Franke, B. and Fombonne, E. and Ronald, Angelica (2021) The new genetics of autism. [Editorial/Introduction]
Gallagher, M. and Kearney, B. and Ferrè, Elisa Raffaella (2021) Where is my hand in space? The internal model of gravity influences proprioception. Biology Letters 17 (6), p. 20210115. ISSN 1744-9561.
Gato, J. and Barrientos, J. and Tasker, Fiona and Miscioscia, M. and Cerqueira-Santos, E. and Malmquist, A. and Seabra, D. and Leal, D. and Houghton, Marie and Poli, M. and Gubello, A. and de Miranda Ramos, M. and Guzman, M. and Urzúa, A. and Ulloa, F. and Wurm, M. (2021) Psychosocial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and mental health among LGBTQ+ young adults: a cross-cultural comparison across six nations. Journal of Homosexuality 68 (4), pp. 612-630. ISSN 0091-8369.
Gato, J. and Leal, D. and Biasutti, C. and Tasker, Fiona and Fontaine, A.M. (2021) Building a rainbow family: parenthood aspirations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender/gender diverse individuals. In: Araujo de Morais, N. and Scorsolini-Comin, F. and Cerqueira-S, E. (eds.) Parenting and Couple Relationships Among LGBTQ+ People in Diverse Contexts. New York: Springer, pp. 193-213. ISBN 9783030841911.
Gillan, C.M. and Vaghi, Matilde M. and Hezemans, F.H. and Van Ghesel Grothe, S. and Dafflon, J. and Brühl, A.B. and Savulich, G. and Robbins, T.W. (2021) Experimentally induced and real-world anxiety have no demonstrable effect on goal-directed behaviour. Psychological Medicine 51 (9), pp. 1467-1478. ISSN 0033-2917.
Gilligan-Lee, K.A. and Hodgkiss, A. and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Patel, P.K. and Farran, E.K. (2021) Aged-based differences in spatial language skills from 6 to 10 years: relations with spatial and mathematics skills. Learning and Instruction 73 , p. 101417. ISSN 0959-4752.
Gini, S. and Knowland, V. and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Van Herwegen, J. (2021) Neuromyths about neurodevelopmental disorders: misconceptions by educators and the general public. Mind, Brain, and Education 15 (4), pp. 289-298. ISSN 1751-2271.
Godoy, P.B.G. and Shephard, Elizabeth and Milosavljevic, Bosiljka and Johnson, Mark H. and Charman, T. (2021) Brief Report: Associations between cognitive control processes and traits of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and anxiety in children at elevated and typical familial likelihood for ASD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51 , pp. 3001-3013. ISSN 0162-3257.
Goodwin, A. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Salomone, S. and Mason, Luke and Holman, Rebecca and Begum Ali, Jannath and Hunt, A. and Ruddock, M. and Vamvakas, G. and Robinson, E. and Holden, Catherine and Taylor, Chloe and Smith, Tim J. and Sonuga-Barke, E. and Bolton, P. and Charman, T. and Pickles, A. and Wass, S. and Johnson, Mark H. (2021) INTERSTAARS: Attention training for infants with elevated likelihood of developing ADHD: a proof-of-concept randomised controlled trial. Translational Psychiatry 11 (1), ISSN 2158-3188.
Gossé, Louisa Katharina (2021) Multi-method exploration of the relationship between sleep and infant neurocognitive development. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Graepel-Csink, Viktoria Zsuzsanna (2021) An exploration of the filtering mechanisms involved in infants' selection of events for deeper encoding and memory retention. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Grunfeld, Elizabeth and Schumacher, L. and Armaou, M. and Woods, P.L. and Rolf, P. and Sutton, A.J. and Zarkar, A. and Sadhra, S.S. (2021) A feasibility randomized controlled trial of a guided workbook intervention to support work-related goals among cancer survivors in the UK. BMJ Open 9 (1), ISSN 2044-6055.
Guerra, Giada (2021) The contribution of auditory attention to reading processes of school-age children with and without dyslexia. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Gui, Anna (2021) A neurodevelopmental perspective on sex-differentiated genetic effects on behavior. Biological Psychiatry 89 (12), E63-E65. ISSN 0006-3223.
Gui, Anna and Bussu, G. and Tye, C. and Elsabbagh, Mayada and Pasco, G. and Charman, T. and Johnson, Mark H. and Jones, Emily J.H. (2021) Attentive brain states in infants with and without later Autism. Translational Psychiatry 11 (196), ISSN 2158-3188.
Gui, Anna and Meaburn, Emma and Tye, C. and Charman, T. and Johnson, Mark H. and Jones, Emily J.H. (2021) Association of Polygenic Liability for Autism with face-sensitive cortical responses from infancy. JAMA Pediatrics 175 (9), pp. 968-970. ISSN 2168-6203.
Gómez-Vallejo, M. and Leoni, M. and Ronald, Angelica and Colvert, E. and Happé, F. and Bolton, P. (2021) Autism spectrum disorder and obstetric optimality: a twin study and meta-analysis of sibling studies. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 62 (11), pp. 1353-1362. ISSN 0021-9630.
Haartsen, Rianne and Mason, Luke and Braithwaite, Ellie and Del Bianco, Teresa and Johnson, Mark H. and Jones, Emily J.H. (2021) Reliability of an automated gaze-controlled paradigm for capturing neural responses during visual and face processing in toddlerhood. Developmental Psychobiology 63 (7), e22157. ISSN 0012-1630.
Hidaka, S. and Tamè, Luigi and Longo, Matthew R. (2021) Tactile interactions in the path of tactile apparent motion. Cognition 209 (104569), ISSN 0010-0277.
Hodgkiss, A. and Gilligan‐Lee, K.A. and Thomas, Michael S.C. and Tolmie, A.K. and Farran, E.K. (2021) The developmental trajectories of spatial skills in middle childhood. British Journal of Developmental Psychology 39 (4), pp. 566-583. ISSN 0261-510X.
Houghton, Marie and Tasker, Fiona (2021) LGBTQ* UK COVID-19 Experiences: preliminary results of the second survey. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Ishikawa, M. and Haensel, Jen and Smith, Tim J. and Senju, Atsushi and Itakura, S. (2021) Affective priming enhances gaze cueing effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 47 (2), pp. 189-199. ISSN 0096-1523.
Islam, M.S. and Sujan, M.S.H. and Tasnim, R. and Mohona, R.A. and Ferdous, M.Z. and Kamruzzaman, Sk. and Toma, T.Y. and Sakib, M.N. and Pinky, K.N. and Islam, M.R. and Siddique, M.A.B. and Anter, F.S. and Hossain, A. and Hossen, I. and Sikder, M.T. and Pontes, Halley (2021) Problematic smartphone and social media use among Bangladeshi college and university students amid COVID-19: the role of psychological well-being and pandemic related factors. Frontiers in Psychiatry 12 , ISSN 1664-0640.
Jasmin, Kyle and Dick, Fred and Tierney, Adam (2021) The Multidimensional Battery of Prosody Perception (MBOPP). Wellcome Open Research 5 (4), ISSN 2398-502X.
Jasmin, Kyle and Sun, Hui and Tierney, Adam (2021) Effects of language experience on domain-general perceptual strategies. Cognition 206 (104481), ISSN 0010-0277.
Johnson, Mark H. and Charman, T. and Pickles, A. and Jones, Emily J.H. (2021) Annual Research Review: Anterior Modifiers in the Emergence of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (AMEND) – a systems neuroscience approach to common developmental disorders. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 62 (5), pp. 610-630. ISSN 1469-7610.
Kampis, D. and Kármán, P. and Csibra, Gergely and Southgate, Victoria and Hernik, M. (2021) A two-lab direct replication attempt of Southgate, Senju and Csibra (2007). Royal Society Open Science 8 (210190), pp. 1-9. ISSN 2054-5703.
Kerr-Gaffney, J. and Hayward, H. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Halls, D. and Murphy, D. and Tchanturia, K. (2021) Autism symptoms in anorexia nervosa: a comparative study with females with autism spectrum disorder. Molecular Autism 12 (47), ISSN 2040-2392.
Kerr-Gaffney, J. and Mason, Luke and Jones, Emily J.H. and Hayward, H. and Harrison, A. and Murphy, D. and Tchanturia, K. (2021) Autistic traits mediate reductions in social attention in adults with anorexia nervosa. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51 , pp. 2077-2090. ISSN 0162-3257.
Kovács, Á.M. and Téglás, E. and Csibra, Gergo (2021) Can infants adopt underspecified contents into attributed beliefs? Representational prerequisites of theory of mind. Cognition 213 (104640), ISSN 0010-0277.
Krizman, J. and Tierney, Adam and Nicol, T. and Kraus, N. (2021) Listening in the moment: how bilingualism interacts with task demands to shape active listening. Frontiers in Neuroscience , ISSN 1662-453X.
Laffere, Aeron and Dick, Frederic and Holt, L. and Tierney, Adam (2021) Attentional modulation of neural entrainment to sound streams in children with and without ADHD. NeuroImage 224 , p. 117396. ISSN 1053-8119.
Lancer, Natalie and Eatough, Virginia (2021) The Eight Tensions Framework: a road map for coaches working with undergraduates. The Coaching Psychologist 17 (2), ISSN 1748-1104.
Lancer, Natalie and Eatough, Virginia (2021) The Eight Tensions Framework: an existential-phenomenological analysis of the tensions of undergraduate life. Existential Analysis 32 (2), pp. 231-249.
Leal, D. and Gato, J. and Coimbra, S. and Freitas, D. and Tasker, Fiona (2021) The role of social support in the transition to parenthood among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual persons: a systematic review. Sexuality Research and Social Policy: Journal of NSRC 18 , pp. 1165-1179. ISSN 1553-6610.
Loth, E. and Ahmad, J. and Chatham, C. and Lopez, B. and Carter, B. and Crawley, D. and Oakley, B. and Hayward, H. and Cooke, J. and San Jose Caceres, A. and Bzdok, D. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Charman, T. and Beckmann, C. and Bougeron, T. and Toro, R. and Buitelaar, J. and Murphy, D. and Duman, G. (2021) The meaning of significant mean-group differences for biomarker discovery. PLoS Computational Biology 17 (11), e1009477. ISSN 1553-7358.
Maclellan, Alexander and Derakhshan, Nazanin (2021) The effects of Stoic training and Adaptive Cognitive Training on emotional vulnerability in high worriers. Cognitive Therapy and Research 45 , pp. 730-744. ISSN 0147-5916.
Macur, M. and Pontes, Halley (2021) Internet Gaming Disorder in adolescence: investigating profiles and associated risk factors. BMC Public Health 21 (1547), pp. 1-9. ISSN 1471-2458.
Mahr, J.B. and Csibra, Gergely (2021) The effect of source claims on statement believability and speaker accountability. Memory & Cognition 49 , pp. 1505-1525. ISSN 0090-502X.
Mahr, J.B. and Mascaro, O. and Mercier, H. and Csibra, Gergely (2021) The effect of disagreement on children’s source memory performance. PLoS One 16 (4), e0249958. ISSN 1932-6203.
Mainka, T. and Azañón, E. and Zeuner, K.E. and Knutzen, A. and Bäumer, T. and Neumann, W.-J. and Borngräber, F. and Kühn, A.A. and Longo, Matthew and Ganos, C. (2021) Intact organization of tactile space in isolated focal dystonia. Movement Disorders 36 (8), pp. 1949-1955. ISSN 0885-3185.
Maister, Lara and De Beukelaer, S. and Longo, Matthew and Tsakiris, M. (2021) The self in the mind’s eye: revealing how we truly see ourselves through reverse correlation. Psychological Science 32 (12), pp. 1965-1978. ISSN 0956-7976.
Makatsori, M. and Miles, Anne (2021) The psychological impact of food allergy and undergoing a food challenge test in adult age. European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 53 (6), pp. 252-262. ISSN 1764-1489.
Manser-Smith, K. and Romano, D. and Tame, L. and Longo, Matthew R. (2021) Fingers hold spatial information that toes do not. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 74 (1), pp. 95-105. ISSN 1747-0218.
Manser-Smith, Kelda (2021) Somatosensory perception of the hands and feet. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Manser-Smith, Kelda and Tame, Luigi and Longo, Matthew (2021) Tactile Distance Anisotropy on the feet. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 83 , pp. 3227-3239. ISSN 1943-3921.
Manzini, A. and Jones, Emily J.H. and Charman, T. and Elsabbagh, Mayada and Johnson, Mark H. and Singh, I. (2021) Ethical dimensions of translational developmental neuroscience research in autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 62 (11), pp. 1363-1373. ISSN 0021-9630.
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