Items where Year is 2022

Adaba, Godfried and Wilson, David W. and Sims, Julian (2022) The impact of national culture on strategic IT alignment: a multiple-case study of subsidiaries of multinational corporations. Information Systems Management 39 (4), pp. 288-304. ISSN 1058-0530.
Addesa, Francesco and Rossi, Giambattista and Pazzona, M. (2022) Migrant diversity and team performance in a highly-skilled labour market. Kyklos: International Review For Social Science 75 (3), pp. 365-384. ISSN 0023-5962.
Adisa, T. and Antonacopoulou, E. and Beauregard, T. Alexandra and Dickmann, M. and Adekoya, O. (2022) Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on employees’ boundary management and work-life balance. British Journal of Management 33 (4), pp. 1694-1709. ISSN 1045-3172.
Afrifa, G.A. and Amankwah-Amoah, J. and Acquaye, Adolf and Yamoah, Fred and Mwiti, F. (2022) Small sums, big impact: corruption and microfinance institutions. Economic and Industrial Democracy , ISSN 0143-831X.
Ahlstrom-Vij, Kristoffer (2022) On the robustness of social-circle surveys: respondent selection issues, egocentrism, and homophily. Electoral Studies 75 , ISSN 0261-3794.
Ahlstrom-Vij, Kristoffer (2022) The case for modelled democracy. Episteme 19 (1), pp. 89-110. ISSN 1742-3600.
Ahmadi, D. and Thompson, Katherine and Garcia Sakai, V. and Schweins, R. and Moulin, M. and Haertlein, M. and Strohmeier, G. and Pichler, H. and Forsyth, V.T. and Barlow, D. and Lawrence, M.J. and Foglia, F. (2022) Nanoscale structure and dynamics of model membrane lipid raft systems, studied by neutron scattering methods. Frontiers in Physics 10 , ISSN 2296-424X.
Ahmed, A. and Doubre, C. and Leroy, S. and Keir, D. and Pagli, C. and Hammond, James O.S. and Ayele, A. and Be de Berc, M. and Grunberg, M. and Vergne, J. and Pestourie, R. and Mamo, D. and Kibret, B. and Cubas, N. and Lavayssière, A. and Janowski, M. and Lengliné, O. and La Rosa, A. and Chambers, E.L. and Illsley-Kemp, F. (2022) Across and along-strike crustal structure variations of the western Afar margin and adjacent plateau: insights from receiver functions analysis. Journal of African Earth Sciences 192 , p. 104570. ISSN 1464-343X.
Al-Surmi, Abdulrahman and Bashiri, M. and Koliousis, I. (2022) AI based decision making: combining strategies to improve operational performance. International Journal of Production Research 60 (14), pp. 4464-4486. ISSN 0020-7543.
Alexander, A. and Walker, H. and Delabre, Izabela (2022) A decision theory perspective on wicked problems, SDGs and stakeholders: the case of deforestation. Journal of Business Ethics 180 , pp. 975-995. ISSN 0167-4544.
Anabanti, Chimere and Hart, Sarah (2022) Groups with a given number of nonpower subgroups. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 106 (2), pp. 315-319. ISSN 0004-9727.
Andriani, Luca and Ashyrov, G. (2022) Corruption and life satisfaction: evidence from a transition survey. Kyklos: International Review For Social Science 75 (4), pp. 511-535. ISSN 0023-5962.
Andriani, Luca and Bruno, R. and Douarin, E. and Stepien-Baig, P. (2022) Is tax morale culturally driven? Journal of Institutional Economics 18 , pp. 67-84. ISSN 1744-1374.
Andriani, Luca and Lal, S. and Kalam, Asif (2022) Entrepreneurial activities and women empowerment in rural India between microfinance and social capital. Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance 31 (2), pp. 227-237. ISSN 1086-1718.
Antonetti, P. and Crisafulli, Benedetta (2022) Revisiting power messaging in service failures: pitfalls and proposed solutions. Psychology & Marketing 39 (11), pp. 2072-2095. ISSN 0742-6046.
Archibugi, Daniele and Cellini, M. and Vitiello, M. (2022) Refugees in the European Union: from emergency alarmism to common management. Journal of Contemporary European Studies 30 (3), pp. 487-505. ISSN 1478-2804.
Archibugi, Daniele and Evangelista, R. and Vezzani, A. (2022) Regional technological capabilities and the access to H2020 funds. Journal of Common Market Studies 60 (4), pp. 926-944. ISSN 0021-9886.
Arshad, I. and De Mello, P. and Ender, M. and McEwen, J. and Ferrè, Elisa Raffaella (2022) Reducing cybersickness in 360-degree virtual reality. Multisensory Research 35 (2), pp. 203-219. ISSN 2213-4808.
Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kovtunova, A. and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakhariyashchev, Michael (2022) First-Order Rewritability and complexity of Two-Dimensional Temporal Ontology-Mediated Queries. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 75 , pp. 1223-1291. ISSN 1076-9757.
Artale, A. and Kontchakov, Roman and Kovtunova, A. and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Wolter, F. and Zakharyashchev, Michael (2022) First-order rewritability and complexity of two-dimensional temporal ontology-mediated queries. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 75 , pp. 1223-1291. ISSN 1076-9757.
Arthur, Carson Cole (2022) Make believe: police accountability, lying, and anti-blackness in the inquest of Sean Rigg. Crime, Media, Culture , ISSN 1741-6590.
Ashenden, Samantha and Hess, A. (2022) Think and thin - or political? Judith N. Shklar and Avishai Margalit on betrayal. Global Intellectual History 7 (4), pp. 650-665. ISSN 2380-1883.
Assimakopoulos, D. and Lawton Smith, Helen and Baines, N. and Romeo, S. and Tsouri, M. (2022) Oxford and Grenoble: multiple anchors, strong dyadic relationships and national policy in fostering cluster architectures. Regional Studies 56 (10), pp. 1618-1632. ISSN 1360-0591.
Atherton, Joe and Stouffer, M. and Francis, F. and Moores, Carolyn A. (2022) Visualising the cytoskeletal machinery in neuronal growth cones using cryo-electron tomography. Journal of Cell Science 135 (7), ISSN 0021-9533.
Attoe, Chris and Matei, Raluca and Thompson, Laura and Teoh, Kevin and Cross, Sean and Cox, Tom (2022) Returning to clinical work and doctors’ personal, social and organisational needs: a systematic review. BMJ Open 12 (5), e053798. ISSN 2044-6055.
Austerberry, C. and Mateen, M. and Fearon, P. and Ronald, Angelica (2022) Heritability of psychological traits and developmental milestones in infancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Network Open 5 (8), e2227887. ISSN 2574-3805.
Austerberry, Chloe and Fearon, P. and Ronald, Angelica and Leve, L.D. and Ganiban, J.M. and Natsuaki, M.N. and Shaw, D.S. and Neiderhiser, J.M. and Reiss, D. (2022) Early manifestations of intellectual performance: evidence that genetic effects on later academic test performance are mediated through verbal ability in early childhood. Child Development 93 (2), e188-e206. ISSN 0009-3920.
Ayeni, D. and Chaudhry, Sara and Aldossari, M. (2022) Temporal contexts and actors vis-a-vis I-deals’ timing and creation: evidence from Nigeria. Group & Organization Management , pp. 1-55. ISSN 1059-6011.
Bacile, R. and Mcneill, John and Vernon, Clare (2022) Venosa, Acerenza and 'Norman' architecture in southern Italy. Arte Medievale , ISSN 0393-7267. (Submitted)
Bagchi-Sen, Sharmistha and Baines, Ning and Lawton Smith, Helen (2022) Characteristics and outputs of university spin-offs in the United Kingdom. International Regional Science Review 45 (6), pp. 606-635. ISSN 0160-0176.
Bagneris, Claire and Senthil Kumar, Swathi and Baratchian, M. and Britt, H. and Tufa, A. and Britt, H. and Thalassinos, Kostas and Collins, M. and Barrett, Tracey (2022) Mechanistic insights into the activation of the IKK kinase complex by the Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpes virus oncoprotein vFLIP. Journal of Biological Chemistry 298 (6), p. 102012. ISSN 0021-9258.
Bai, S. and Bi, X. and Han, Chunjia and Zhou, Q. and Shang, W. and Yang, Mu and Wang, L. and Ieromonachouc, P. and He, H. (2022) Evaluating R&D efficiency of China’s listed lithium battery enterprises. Frontiers of Engineering Management 9 , pp. 473-485. ISSN 2096-0255.
Bai, S. and Yu, D. and Yang, Mu and Tang, R. and He, H. and Zhao, J. and Huang, P. (2022) Is Negative E-WOM more powerful? Multimodal data analysis on air passengers’ perception of COVID safety measures. Frontiers in Psychology 13 , ISSN 1664-1078.
Baker, W.J. and Bailey, P. and Barber, V. and Barker, A. and Bellot, S. and Bishop, D. and Botigue, L.R. and Brewer, G. and Carruthers, T. and Clarkson, J.J. and Cook, J. and Cowan, R.S. and Dodsworth, Steven and Epitawalage, N. and Françoso, E. and Gallego, B. and Johnson, M.G. and Kim, J.T. and Leempoel, K. and Maurin, O. and Mcginnie, C. and Pokorny, L. and Roy, S. and Stone, M. and Toledo, E. and Wickett, N.J. and Zuntini, A.R. and Eiserhardt, W.L. and Kersey, P.J. and Leitch, I.J. and Forest, F. (2022) A comprehensive phylogenomic platform for exploring the angiosperm tree of life. Systematic Biology 71 (2), pp. 301-319. ISSN 1063-5157.
Baldauf, A. and Palacios, Margarita (2022) From extractivism to adjacency. A research manifesto. Emancipations: A Journal of Critical Social Analysis 2 (1), ISSN 2765-8414.
Bale, Anthony and Rosenthal, J. (2022) Curating the past: blood and money in London. Jewish Culture and History 23 (1), pp. 3-20. ISSN 1462-169X.
Balibrea, Mari Paz (2022) The presence of an absence: framing capital in Mercado de futuros (Mercedes Álvarez, 2011), La mano invisible (David Macián, 2016) and Cerca de tu casa (Eduard Cortés, 2016). Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas 19 (3), pp. 283-300. ISSN 2050-4837.
Banks, A.P. and Gamblin, David M. (2022) Successful everyday decision making: combining attributes and associates. Judgment and Decision Making 17 (6), pp. 1255-1286. ISSN 1930-2975.
Bannister, David (2022) Wilful blindness: sleeping sickness and Onchocerciasis in Colonial Northern Ghana, 1909–1957. Social History of Medicine 35 (2), pp. 635-660. ISSN 0951-631X.
Baraitser, Lisa (2022) ‘Time’ for ‘the People’: reflections on ‘Psychoanalysis for the People: Free Clinics and the Social Mission of Psychoanalysis’. Psychoanalysis and History 24 (3), pp. 375-392. ISSN 1460-8235.
Bardo, A. and Town, K. and Kivell, T. and Donati, G. and Ballieux, H. and STAMATE, Cosmin and Edginton, T. and Forrester, Gillian (2022) The precision of the human hand: variability in pinch strength and manual dexterity. Symmetry 14 (1), p. 71. ISSN 2073-8994.
Barker, Kezia (2022) Awakening from the sleep-walking society: crisis, detachment and the real in prepper awakening narratives. EPD: Society and Space 40 (5), pp. 805-823. ISSN 0263-7758.
Bartoletti, A. and Odlyha, Marianne and Bozec, L. (2022) Insights from the NANOforArt project: application of Calcium-based Nanoparticle dispersions for improved preservation of parchment documents. Restaurator. International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material 43 (1-2), pp. 143-158. ISSN 0034-5806.
Basile, K.A. and Beauregard, T. Alexandra and Canonico-Martin, E. (2022) Better work-life balance through Digital Parenting. Strategic HR Review 21 (6), pp. 180-184. ISSN 1475-4398.
Bastian, M. and Flatø, E. and Baraitser, Lisa and Jordheim, H. and Salisbury, L. and van Dooren, T. (2022) ‘What about the coffee break?’: Designing virtual conference spaces for conviviality. Geo: Geography and Environment 9 (2), e00114. ISSN 2054-4049.
Bauer, Heike (2022) In the canine archives of sex: Radclyffe Hall, Una Troubridge and their dogs. Gender and History , ISSN 0953-5233.
Beckert, Walter and Siciliani, P. (2022) Protecting sticky consumers in essential markets. Review of Industrial Organization 61 , pp. 247-278. ISSN 0889-938X.
Beese, L.E. and Tasker, Fiona (2022) Towards an understanding of the experiences of deaf gay men: an interpretative phenomenological analysis to an intersectional view. Journal of Homosexuality 69 (14), pp. 2412-2438. ISSN 0091-8369.
Begum Ali, Jannath and Goodwin, A. and Mason, Luke and Pasco, G. and Charman, T. and Johnson, Mark H. and Jones, Emily J.H. (2022) Altered Theta Beta ratio in infancy associates with later ADHD traits. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 63 (9), pp. 1057-1067. ISSN 0021-9630.
Bellini, F. and Peri, Ilaria (2022) Short communication: An axiomatization of $\Lambda$-Quantiles. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 13 (1), SC26-SC38. ISSN 1945-497X.
Berggren, Nick (2022) Rapid attentional biases to threat-associated visual features: the roles of anxiety and visual working memory access. Emotion 22 (3), pp. 545-553. ISSN 1528-3542.
Bermpei, T. and Kalyvas, A.N. and Neri, Lorenzo and Russo, A. (2022) Does economic policy uncertainty matter for financial reporting quality? Evidence from the United States. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 58 , pp. 795-845. ISSN 1573-7179.
Beton, J.G. and Monistrol, J. and Wentink, A. and Johnston, E.C. and Roberts, A.J. and Bukau, B.G. and Hoogenboom, B.W. and Saibil, Helen (2022) Cooperative amyloid fibre binding and disassembly by the Hsp70 disaggregase. The EMBO Journal 41 (16), e110410. ISSN 0261-4189.
Bhatia, Monish (2022) Reproductive injustice in Britain: punishing illegalized migrant women from the Global South and separating families. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power , ISSN 1070-289X.
Bhatia, Monish and Burnett, J. (2022) Immigration raids and racist state violence. State Crime Journal 11 (1), pp. 33-51. ISSN 2046-6056.
Bhatia, Monish and Mehta, R. (2022) Representations of Bangladeshis and internal ‘Others’ in the Indian press: the cases of Felani Khatun, Zohra Bibi and the ‘woman in red sari’. From the European South: A Transdisciplinary Journal of Postcolonial Humanities 9 , pp. 31-46. ISSN 2531-4130.
Black, A. and Brown, O. and Utunen, H. and Gamhewage, G. and Gore, Julie (2022) Insights on public health professionals non-technical skills in an emergency response (multiteam systems) environment. Frontiers in Psychology: Organizational , ISSN 1664-1078.
Blake, H. and Yarker, Jo (2022) Managing minds at work: development of a digital line manager training program. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (13), ISSN 1660-4601.
Blakeman, Sam and Mareschal, Denis (2022) Explanations from Deep Reinforcement Learning using episodic memories. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3227 , pp. 53-58. ISSN 1613-0073.
Blakeman, Sam and Mareschal, Denis (2022) Selective particle attention: rapidly and flexibly selecting features for deep reinforcement learning. Neural Networks 150 , pp. 408-421. ISSN 0893-6080.
Blanchard, I. and Rubie, D.C. and Jennings, Eleanor S. and Franchi, I.A. and Zhao, X. and Petitgirard, S. and Miyajima, N. and Jacobson, S.A. and Morbidelli, A. (2022) The metal–silicate partitioning of carbon during Earth's accretion and its distribution in the early solar system. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 580 (117374), ISSN 0012-821X.
Bono, Davide and Belyk, M. and Longo, Matthew and Dick, Fred (2022) Beyond language: the unspoken sensory-motor representation of the tongue in non-primates, non-human and human primates. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 139 (104730), ISSN 0149-7634.
Bose, S. and Daripa, Arup (2022) Eliciting ambiguous beliefs using constructed ambiguous acts: Alpha-Maxmin. Journal of Mathematical Economics 103 (102787), ISSN 0304-4068.
Botes, E. and Dewaele, Jean-Marc and Greiff, S. (2022) By the old gods and the new: the effect of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety and Enjoyment Congruence on Self-Perceived Proficiency. The Modern Language Journal 106 (4), ISSN 0026-7902.
Botes, E. and van der Westhuizen, L. and Dewaele, Jean-Marc and MacIntyre, P. and Greiff, S. (2022) Validating the Short-Form Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (S-FLCAS). Applied Linguistics 43 (5), pp. 1006-1033. ISSN 0142-6001.
Bourke, Joanna (2022) “A Deed of the Darkest Violence”: rape and the emergence of Sadism in Australian Psychiatry, 1920–1950. Journal of Australian Studies 46 (3), pp. 278-291. ISSN 1444-3058.
Bourke, Joanna (2022) Military sexual trauma: gender, military cultures, and the medicalization of abuse in contemporary America. Journal of War & Culture Studies 15 (1), pp. 86-105. ISSN 1752-6272.
Bowring, Bill (2022) Spinoza, Marx, and Ilyenkov (who did not know Marx’s transcription of Spinoza). Studies in East European Thought 74 , pp. 297-317. ISSN 0925-9392.
Brandes, B. and Lai, Yi-Ling (2022) Addressing resistance to change through a micro interpersonal lens: an investigation into the coaching process. Journal of Organizational Change Management 35 (3), pp. 666-681. ISSN 0953-4814.
Breznitz, S. and Lawton Smith, Helen and Bagchi-Sen, S. (2022) The contribution of students to regional economies: reframing the regional innovation systems approach. Regional Studies 56 (6), pp. 885-891. ISSN 0034-3404.
Briant, Rebecca M. and Haggart, B.A. and Schreve, D. and Whiteman, C.A. (2022) Quaternary sea level landforms and sediments in southern England: description of Geological Conservation Review sites. Proceedings of the Geologists Association , ISSN 0016-7878.
Brody, G. and Revencu, B. and Csibra, Gergely (2022) Images of objects are interpreted as symbols: a case study of automatic size measurement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General , ISSN 0096-3445.
Brooker, Joseph (2022) Apes in the Plan: an unpublished typescript by Jonathan Lethem. Orbit: A Journal of American Literature 10 (2), ISSN 2398-6786.
Brown, Paul and Fenner, Trevor (2022) Supercards, sunshines and caterpillar graphs. Journal of Combinatorics 13 (1), pp. 41-78. ISSN 2156-3527.
Brzozowska, Alicja and Longo, Matthew and Mareschal, Denis and Wiesemann, F. and Gliga, Teodora (2022) Oxytocin but not naturally occurring variation in caregiver touch associates with infant social orienting. Developmental Psychobiology 64 (6), e22290. ISSN 0012-1630.
Burton, Jason and Harris, A.J.L. and Shah, P. and Hahn, Ulrike (2022) Optimism where there is none: asymmetric belief updating observed with valence-neutral life events. Cognition 218 (104939), ISSN 0010-0277.
Butcher, Melissa (2022) Being single, being ‘wrong’: pain and the remaking of gendered subjectivity in Delhi. Gender, Place & Culture , ISSN 0966-369X.
Butcher, Melissa (2022) Qualitative research methods I: emotionally engaged approaches to working with vulnerable participants. Progress in Human Geography 46 (3), pp. 907-914. ISSN 0309-1325.
Cabañas González, Cynthia and Senju, Atsushi and Smith, Tim J. (2022) Dramatic irony: a case study in the mutual benefit of combining social neuroscience with film theory. Projections 16 (1), pp. 84-104. ISSN 1934-9688.
Cadete, Denise and Alsmith, A.J.T. and Longo, Matthew (2022) Curved sixth fingers: flexible representation of the shape of supernumerary body parts. Consciousness and Cognition 105 (103413), ISSN 1053-8100.
Cadete, Denise and Longo, Matthew (2022) Matches, mismatches, and the experience of supernumerary body parts: Comment on “Left and right temporal-parietal junctions (TPJs) as “match/mismatch” hedonic machines: A unifying account of TPJ function”, by Doricchi et al. Physics of Life Reviews , ISSN 1571-0645.
Cadete, Denise and Longo, Matthew (2022) The long sixth finger illusion: the representation of the supernumerary finger is not a copy and can be felt with varying lengths. Cognition 218 (104948), ISSN 0010-0277.
Caldwell, Dorigen (2022) Raphael (National Gallery, London, 9 April – 31 July 2022). Raphael, exh. cat., David Ekserdjian and Tom Henry, with Matthias Wivel and contributions by Caroline Elam, Arnold Nesselrath and Thomas P. Campbell, National Gallery Global, London, distributed by Yale University Press, 2022, 328pp, 200 colour illustrations. ISBN: 978 1 85709 658 3 1048789. Renaissance Studies 36 (5), pp. 798-807. ISSN 0269-1213.
Callender, Claire and Boatman, A. and Evans, B. (2022) Comparing high school students' attitudes towards borrowing for higher education in England and the United States: who are the most loan averse? European Journal of Education 57 (2), pp. 199-217. ISSN 0141-8211.
Callender, Claire and Melis, G. (2022) The privilege of choice: how prospective college students’ financial concerns influence their choice of higher education institution and subject of study in England. Journal of Higher Education 93 (3), pp. 477-501. ISSN 0022-1546.
Caloffi, A. and Colovic, Ana and Rossi, Federica and Russo, M. (2022) New business models for public innovation intermediaries supporting emerging innovation systems: the case of the Internet of Things. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 175 , p. 121357. ISSN 0040-1625.
Caloffi, A. and Freo, M. and Mariani, M. and Ghinoi, Stefano and Rossi, Federica (2022) Assessing the effects of a deliberate policy mix: the case of technology and innovation advisory services and innovation vouchers. Research Policy 51 (6), ISSN 0048-7333.
Calè, Luisa (2022) Reading revolutions: Corrado Costa’s William Blake in Beulah, a visionary cartoon essay in 1977 Italy. Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly 55 (3), ISSN 0160-628x.
Calè, Luisa (2022) William Blake’s 'Pestilence', sympathy, and the politics of feeling. European Romantic Review 33 (4), pp. 515-533. ISSN 1050-9585.
Calè, Luisa (2022) William Blake’s “Fourfold Vision”: a practical antiquary’s visionary contemplations among the “Couches of the Dead”. Modern Philology 120 (1), pp. 24-48. ISSN 0026-8232.
Camilli, A. and Gomes, Pedro (2022) Public employment and homeownership dynamics. Public Choice , ISSN 0048-5829.
Cantoni, D. and Murray, M.J. and Kalemera, M.D. and Dicken, S.J. and Stejskal, Lenka and Brown, G. and Lytras, S. and Coey, J.D. and McKenna, J. and Bridgett, S. and Simpson, D. and Fairley, D. and Thorne, L.G. and Reuschl, A.-K. and Forrest, C. and Ganeshalingham, M. and Muir, L. and Palor, M. and Jarvis, L. and Willett, B. and Power, U.F. and McCoy, L.E. and Jolly, C. and Towers, G.J. and Doores, K.J. and Robertson, D.L. and Shepherd, Adrian and Reeves, M.B. and Bamford, C.G.G and Grove, J. (2022) Evolutionary remodelling of N-terminal domain loops fine-tunes SARS-CoV-2 spike. EMBO reports e54322 , ISSN 1469-221X.
Carl, Barton (2022) On the average-case complexity of pattern matching with wildcards. Theoretical Computer Science 922 , pp. 37-45. ISSN 0304-3975.
Carnevali, L. and Gui, Anna and Jones, Emily J.H. and Farroni, T. (2022) Face processing in early development: a systematic review of behavioral studies and considerations in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology , ISSN 1664-1078.
Carta, Ludovico and Fairbairn, Ben (2022) Generalised Beauville Groups. Journal of Group Theory 25 (2), pp. 355-377. ISSN 1435-4446.
Carter Leno, V. and Pickard, Hannah and Cybulska, L. and Smith, Tim and Munafo, M. and Penton-Voak, I. and Simonoff, E. and Pickles, A. and Bedford, R. (2022) Associations between emotion recognition and Autistic and Callous Unemotional Traits: differential effects of cueing to the eyes. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , ISSN 0021-9630.
Caso, Andrea and Cooper, Richard P. (2022) Executive functions in aging: an experimental and computational study of the Wisconsin Card Sorting and Brixton Spatial Anticipation tests. Experimental Aging Research 48 (2), pp. 99-135. ISSN 1096-4657.
Castelli, G. and Piomentese, L. and Quinn, R. and Aerts, J. and Elsner, Paul and Ertsen, M. and Hussey, S. and Leal Filho, W. and Limones, N. and Mpofu, B. and Graber Neufeld, D. and Ngugi, K. and Ngwenya, N. and Parker, A. and Ryan, C. and de Trincheria, J. and Villani, L. and Eisma, J. and Bresci, E. (2022) Sand dams for sustainable water management: Challenges and future opportunities. Science of the Total Environment 838 (2), p. 156126. ISSN 0048-9697.
Cauz-Santos, L.A. and Dodsworth, Steven and Samuel, R. and Christenhusz, M.J.M. and Patel, D. and Shittu, T. and Jakob, A. and Paun, O. and Chase, M.W. (2022) Genomic insights into recent species divergence in Nicotiana benthamiana and natural variation in Rdr1 gene controlling viral susceptibility. Plant Journal 111 (1), pp. 7-18. ISSN 0960-7412.
Cavicchioli, A. and Rolón, G. and Odlyha, Marianne (2022) A chemical approach to the selection of soils for the reproduction of Earth-based mortars for conservation purposes: case report from a Brazilian historic site. International Journal of Architectural Heritage , pp. 1-15. ISSN 1558-3058.
Chandna, Swati and Olhede, S. and Wolfe, P. (2022) Local linear graphon estimation using covariates. Biometrika 109 (3), pp. 721-734. ISSN 1464-3510.
Chang, Kai-Chien and Longo, Matthew (2022) Similar tactile distance anisotropy across segments of the arm. Perception 51 (5), pp. 300-312. ISSN 0301-0066.
Chapman, Bethany and Derakshan, N. and Grunfeld, Elizabeth (2022) Exploring primary breast cancer survivors' self-management of sustained cancer-related cognitive impairment in the workplace. Psycho-Oncology 31 (4), pp. 606-613. ISSN 1099-1611.
Charalampopoulos, Panagiotis and Gawrychowski, P. and Mozes, S. and Weimann, O. (2022) On the hardness of computing the edit distance of shallow trees. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13617 , pp. 290-302. ISSN 0302-9743.
Charalampopoulos, Panagiotis and Kociumaka, T. and Wellnitz, P. (2022) Faster pattern matching under edit distance : a reduction to dynamic puzzle matching and the Seaweed Monoid of permutation matrices. 63rd IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, FOCS 2022 , pp. 698-707. ISSN 2575-8454.
Charalampopoulos, Panagiotis and Pissis, S.P. and Radoszewski, J. and Rytter, W. and Waleń, T. and Zuba, W. (2022) Subsequence covers of words. Lecture Notes in Computer Science , pp. 3-15. ISSN 0302-9743.
Chard, James and Cook, Richard and Press, Clare (2022) Impaired sensitivity to spatial configurations in healthy aging. Cortex 155 , pp. 347-356. ISSN 0010-9452.
Chase, M.W. and Cauz-Santos, L.A. and Dodsworth, Steven and Christenhusz, M.J.M. (2022) Taxonomy of the Australian Nicotiana benthamiana complex (Nicotiana section Suaveolentes; Solanaceae): five species, four newly described, with distinct ranges and morphologies. Australian Systematic Botany 35 (5), pp. 345-363. ISSN 1030-1887.
Chen, C.-L. and Wang, H. and Chen, A.C.H. and Han, Chunjia and Wei, Y.-C. and Li, X. (2022) Machine learning for trust, security, and privacy in computing and communications. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (105), ISSN 1687-1499.
Chen, H. and Sui, Y. and Shang, W.-l. and Sun, R. and Chen, Z. and Wang, C. and Han, Chunjia and Zhang, Y. and Zhang, H. (2022) Towards renewable public transport: mining the performance of electric buses using solar-radiation as an auxiliary power source. Applied Energy 325 , p. 119863. ISSN 0306-2619.
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Eve, Martin Paul (2022) 18th Century British Isles. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) 19th-Century British Isles. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) 20th-Century British Isles. ,
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Eve, Martin Paul (2022) The African-American Novel. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Aiming for downtime. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Ancient China. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Ancient South Asia. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Ancient West. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Andean Novels. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Anthropology and the Novel. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) The Arabic Novel. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) The Asian-American Novel. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Authorship. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) The Baltic States and the Novel. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Bildungsroman. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) The Brazilian Novel. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) The Current State of Evusheld (tixagevimab/cilgavimab) in the UK. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Did you know that you can deposit the version of record of Bloomsbury Academic book chapters in your institutional repository? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) A Fork in the Road: OA Books and Visibility-Value in the Humanities. COPIM ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Good computer networking kit. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) How YOU can help people still shielding. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) How do you get access to antivirals on the NHS CDMU system and does it work? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) I had Evusheld privately in the UK. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) If you cannot connect to a deluged daemon remotely. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Input-Output. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) It's Tricky. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Just the First Two Years. Research Fortnight (607), p. 14. ISSN 1358-1198.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Last year I spent 506 hours answering emails. How I hope to do less of it this year. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Lastpass CLI can't login using master password. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Lessons from the Library: Extreme Minimalist Scaling at Pirate Ebook Platforms. Digital Humanities Quarterly 16 (3), ISSN 1938-4122.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Moving On: My Infrastructural Turn. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) My 2022 year in review. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) New Leaves: Riffling the History of Digital Pagination. Book History 25 (2), pp. 473-496. ISSN 1529-1499.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Notes on 'Plan S for Shock. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Open access is building a one-time, shared, international library collection. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Open peer review and its rhythms. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Reloading SQLite databases in Django when there have been external changes. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Resizing image uploads in Django. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Running Django apps on AWS Fargate with a serverless RDS. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Small publishers and subscribe to open. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Some of my upcoming projects at Crossref. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Static site hosting in the cloud should not be this hard in 2022. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) The UK's department for health and preprints. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Using Django ORM, Click, and Rich to create useful command-line python apps. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) What is 'the scholarly record'? ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) A glimmer of hope. ,
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) The politics of peer review and preprints in the real world. ,
Eve, Martin Paul and Pinter, F. and Lair, S. and Grady, Tom (2022) Opening the future: a new model for funding Open Access monographs. The Serials Librarian 82 (1-4), pp. 178-181. ISSN 1541-1095.
Eve, Martin Paul and Pinter, Frances and Poznanski, Emily and Grady, Tom (2022) Opening the Future: How to Implement an Equitable Revenue Model for Open Access Monographs. Zenodo ,
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Zhu, Z. and Yan, Y. and Zhao, Q. and Carter, Andrew and H., M. and Zhou, Y. (2022) Geochemistry and paleogeography of the Rajang Group, Northwest Borneo, Malaysia. Marine and Petroleum Geology 137 , p. 105500. ISSN 0264-8172.
Zivony, Alon and Eimer, Martin (2022) Categorization templates modulate selective attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 48 (11), pp. 1294-1312. ISSN 0096-1523.
Zivony, Alon and Eimer, Martin (2022) Expectation-based blindness: predictions about object categories gate awareness of focally attended objects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 29 , pp. 1879-1889. ISSN 1069-9384.
Zivony, Alon and Eimer, Martin (2022) The diachronic account of attentional selectivity. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 29 , pp. 1118-1142. ISSN 1069-9384.
Zoega, Gylfi and Katsimi, M. and Teck Hoon, H. (2022) Investment and the long swings of unemployment. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change , ISSN 2577-6983.
de Gayardon, A. and Callender, Claire and DesJardins, S. (2022) Does student loan debt structure young people’s housing tenure? Evidence from England. Journal of Social Policy 51 (2), pp. 221-241. ISSN 0047-2794.
Book Review
Baird, J.A. (2022) Danish diaries of Palmyra. [Book Review]
Baird, Jennifer (2022) Palmyra: city of churches and mosques. [Book Review] (In Press)
Baraitser, Lisa (2022) Amy Allen, Critique on the Couch: Why Critical Theory Needs Psychoanalysis. [Book Review]
Baraitser, Lisa (2022) 'Sexuality and Gender Now: Moving Beyond Heteronormativity' edited by Hertzmann, Leezah and Newbigin, Juliet. Published by Routledge, Abingdon, 2020; 358 pp, £32.99 paperback. [Book Review]
Brooker, Joseph (2022) Steven Connor, The Madness of Knowledge: On Wisdom, Ignorance and Fantasies of Knowing (London: Reaktion, 2019), 368pp. ISBN 978-1-78914-072-9. [Book Review]
Buchanan, R. and Grzankowski, Alex (2022) Why bother with mental representations? [Book Review]
Constantakopoulou, Christy (2022) 'Mediterranean Archaeologies of Insularity in an Age of Globalization', A. Kouremenos and J.M. Gordon eds. (Oxford 2020). [Book Review]
Crawford, Ian (2022) Dark Skies: Space Expansionism, Planetary Geopolitics, and the Ends of Humanity. [Book Review]
Hope, Sophie (2022) Lure of the social: encounters with contemporary artists. [Book Review]
Keenan, Bernard (2022) Glover, Phil, Protecting National Security: A history of British Communications Investigation Regulation, Abingdon, Routledge, 2021. [Book Review]
Keenan, Bernard (2022) Review of Simon Deakin and Christopher Markou (eds), 'Is Law Computable: Critical Perspectives on Law and Artificial Intelligence', Oxford: Hart Publishing. [Book Review]
Leslie, Esther (2022) The long demise of Germany’s student revolt. [Book Review]
Luckhurst, Roger (2022) The Cambridge History of The Gothic, Volume II: Gothic in the Nineteenth Century ed. by Dale Townshend and Angela Wright (review). [Book Review]
Michels, Eckard (2022) Carola Lentz / Marie-Christin Gabriel: Das Goethe-Institut. Eine Geschichte von 1951 bis heute, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta 2021. [Book Review]
Putnam, Jennifer (2022) Walling In and Walling Out: Why are We Building New Barriers to Divide Us? Edited by Laura McAtackney and Randall H. McGuire. [Book Review]
Thomas, Sarah (2022) Art history and racial Capitalism. Book review, 'Black Bodies, White Gold' by Anna Arabinden-Kesson. [Book Review]
Tsang, Michael (2022) Book Review - Sari Kawana, The Uses of Literature in Modern Japan. [Book Review]
Wesner, Simone (2022) Howard S. Becker: Art Worlds. Berkeley (University of California Press) 2008 [1982]. Alison Gerber: The Work of Art: Value in Creative Careers. Redwood City (Stanford University Press) 2017. [Book Review]
Woolley, Agnes (2022) John-Michael Rivera, Undocuments. [Book Review]
Wourm, Nathalie (2022) 'Gabriel Proulx, Quand les spectres prennent la parole : Échos beckettiens chez Christophe Tarkos'. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2020. 165 pp. €63.00 (hb). ISBN 978-2-406-10096-6; €24.00 (pb). ISBN 978-2-406-10095-9. [Book Review]
Andriani, Luca and Bruno, R. (2022) Introduction to the special issue on institutions and culture in economic contexts. [Editorial/Introduction]
Baraitser, Lisa (2022) Ceasing, suspending and stopping: taking care with time. [Editorial/Introduction]
Bauer, Heike and Pappademos, M. and Sutton, K. and Tucker, J. (2022) Visual histories of sex: collecting, curating, archiving. [Editorial/Introduction]
Berbegal-Mirabent, J. and Rizzo, U. and Rossi, Federica (2022) How universities' third mission engagement can support inclusive innovation and sustainable development: addressing some open questions Introduction to the special issue. [Editorial/Introduction] (In Press)
Clancy, S. and Harman, Kerry and Jones, I. (2022) Special issue on lived experience, learning, community activism and social change. [Editorial/Introduction]
Craven, R. and Hamlyn, Olivia (2022) 'Economics in Law: Law in Economics': introduction to the special issue. [Editorial/Introduction]
Darken, R. and Peterson, B. and Gore, Julie (2022) Virtual reality applications in military and veteran medicine and healthcare. [Editorial/Introduction]
Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2022) Current trends in research in language education and applied linguistics. [Editorial/Introduction]
Gidley, Ben and Everett, S.S. (2022) Jews and Muslims in Europe: between discourse and experience. [Editorial/Introduction]
Killick, Anna and Mabbett, Deborah (2022) The everyday economy: introduction. [Editorial/Introduction]
Mabbett, Deborah (2022) The Bank of England loses its mojo. [Editorial/Introduction]
Mabbett, Deborah (2022) A hapless government produces an unlikely hero. [Editorial/Introduction]
Pooley, Simon and Linnell, J. and Munster, U. and van Dooren, T. and Zimmermann, A. (2022) Understanding coexistence with wildlife. [Editorial/Introduction]
Ronald, Angelica (2022) Transdiagnostic research: transitory or transformative? [Editorial/Introduction]
Ronald, Angelica and Pain, O. (2022) A revolution is brewing in how we understand the shared genetic causes of psychiatric disorders. [Editorial/Introduction]
Simosi, M. and Aldossari, M. and Chaudhry, Sara and Rousseau, D. (2022) Uncovering missing voices: invisible aspects of idiosyncratic deals (i-deals). [Editorial/Introduction]
Teoh, Kevin and Vasconcelos, A.G. and Lima, E.P. (2022) Work and non-work contributory factors to healthcare workers' mental health. [Editorial/Introduction]
Wesner, Simone and Woddis, J. (2022) Artists and cultural workers in cultural policy and creative practice: from the big break narrative to mutual aid and collective care. [Editorial/Introduction]
Pontes, Halley (2022) Improving gaming data. [Letter]
Pontes, Halley (2022) Stigma and gaming disorder: should we take a 'glass half full' or 'glass half empty' perspective? [Letter]
Book Section
Ackhurst, Molly and Brazzell, M. and Day, Aviah and Tomlinson, Kamilah and Rodrigues Fowler, Y. (2022) Creative and transformative approaches to justice. In: Horvath, M.A.H. and Brown, J.M. (eds.) Rape: Challenging Contemporary Thinking – 10 Years On. London: Routledge, pp. 268-282. ISBN 9780367757410.
Aragon, Margarita and Campbell-Franks, A. (2022) How to do social research with documents. In: Coleman, R. and Puwar, N. and Jungnickel, K. (eds.) How to do social research with... Goldsmiths Press / Methods Lab. ISBN 9781913380427. (In Press)
Baird, Jennifer A. (2022) The site of the archive: responsibility and rhetoric in archival archaeology of the Middle East. In: Boubou, O. and Miranda, A.C. and Raja, R. (eds.) Archival Historiographies - The Impact of Twentieth-Century Legacy Data on Archaeological Investigations. Archive Archaeology. Brepols Publishers. ISBN
Bakshi, S. and Semmalar, G. and Chivalán Carrillo, M. and Rage, R. and Aryakrishnan, R. and Posocco, Silvia and Jivraj, S. and Bakshi, S. (2022) Decolonial queer knowledges: aesthesis, memory and practice. In: Tate, S.A. and Gutiérrez Rodríguez, E. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Race and Gender. Palgrave, pp. 569-590. ISBN 9783030839468.
Balibrea, Mari Paz (2022) 'Staple of the Contemporary Music Scene': Roberto Gerhard in geopolitical perspective. In: Adkins, M. and Mann, R.E. (eds.) Roberto Gerhard. Re-Apprising a Musical Visionary in Exile. Proceedings of the British Academy 252. Oxford University Press, pp. 184-202. ISBN 9780197267134.
Baudon, T. and Fuhs, Carsten and Gonnord, L. (2022) Analysing Parallel Complexity of Term Rewriting. In: Villanueva, A. (ed.) Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 32nd International Symposium, LOPSTR 2022, Tbilisi, Georgia, September 21–23, 2022, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13474. Springer, pp. 3-23. ISBN 9783031167669.
Bonifati, A. and Dumbrava, S. and Fletcher, G. and Hidders, Jan and Hofer, M. and Martens, W. and Murlak, F. and Shinavier, J. and Staworko, S. and Tomaszuk, D. (2022) Threshold queries in theory and in the wild. In: Özcan, F. and Freire, J. and Lin, X. (eds.) Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. VLDB Endowment, pp. 1105-1118.
Bourke, Joanna (2022) Forensic sense: sexual violence, medical professionals, and the senses. In: Boddice, R. and Hitzer, B. (eds.) Feeling Dis-Ease in Modern History: Experiencing Medicine and Illness. London, UK: Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781350228375. (In Press)
Bowring, Bill (2022) Britain and the Iraq War. In: Carty, T. (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in International Law. Oxford Bibliographies. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199796953.
Brady, Sean (2022) Sectarianism and queer lives in Northern Ireland since the 1970s. In: Cook, Matt and Bengry, J. and Oram, A. (eds.) Locating Queer Histories: Places and Traces Across the UK. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 49-62. ISBN 9781350143722.
Brooker, Joseph (2022) Lethem, Jonathan. In: O'Donnell, P. and Burn, S. and Larkin, L. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Fiction 1980-2020. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781119431718.
Centeno Martin, Marcos Pablo (2022) The Ainu in documentary films: promiscuous iconography and the absent image. In: Desser, D. (ed.) Companion to Japanese Cinema. Wiley Blackwell Companions to National Cinemas. Wiley, 271 -293. ISBN 9781118955321.
Clover, D.E. and Sanford, K. and Harman, Kerry and Williamson, S. (2022) Introduction: opposites, intersections, turns, and other imaginative possibilites. In: Clover, Darlene and Harman, Kerry and Sanford, K. (eds.) Feminism, adult education and creative possibility: Imaginative responses. Bloomsbury Critical Education. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350231047.
Clucas, Stephen (2022) Astrology, natural magic, and the scientific revolution. In: Miller, D.M. and Jalobeanu, Dana (eds.) The Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 167-183. ISBN 9781108333108.
Clucas, Stephen (2022) Atomism, mechanism, and chymistry in the natural philosophy of Walter Warner. In: Lüthy, C. and Nicoli, E. (eds.) Atoms, Corpuscles and Minima in the Renaissance. Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy and Science 36. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. ISBN 9789004528918.
Clucas, Stephen (2022) Margaret Cavendish and the rhetoric and aesthetics of the microscopic image in Seventeenth-Century England. In: Walters, L. and Siegfried, B. (eds.) Margaret Cavendish: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 51-68. ISBN 9781108780780.
Clucas, Stephen (2022) Thomas Harriot in the Twenty-First Century: 25 years of the Harriot Lecture. In: Fox, R. (ed.) Thomas Harriot: Science and Discovery in the English Renaissance. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 50-71. ISBN 9780367561376.
Colás, Alejandro (2022) IR's sea sickness: a materialist diagnosis. In: de Carvalho, B. and Leira, H. (eds.) The Sea and International Relations. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9781526155108. (In Press)
Connell, Sophia (2022) Hybrids in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals. In: Follinger, S. (ed.) Aristotle's Generation of Animals: A Comprehensive Approach. Philosophie der Antike 43. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter, pp. 181-208. ISBN 9783110761436.
Cowell, Frederick (2022) Identifying custom in universal periodic review recommendations. In: Merkouris, P. and Kammerhofer, J. and Arajärvi, N. (eds.) The Theory, Practice and Interpretation of Customary International Law. The Rules of Interpretation of Customary International Law. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, p. 320. ISBN 9781316516898.
Cowell, Frederick (2022) The temporality of collective memory and the authority of the European Court of Human Rights. In: McNeilly, K. and Warwick, B. (eds.) The Times and Temporalities of International Human Rights Law. Human Rights Law in Perspective. Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781509949922. (In Press)
Crawford, Ian (2022) Brightening the skies: institutional solutions to the societal and geopolitical risks of space expansionism. In: Cockell, C.S. (ed.) The Institutions of Extraterrestrial Liberty. Oxford University Press, pp. 119-139. ISBN 9780192897985.
Cupitt, Rebekah (2022) Anthropology and digital media: multivocal materialities of video meetings and deafness. In: Costa, E. and Lange, P.G. and Haynes, N. and Sinanan, J. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Media Anthropology. Routledge Anthropology Handbooks. London, UK: Routledge Taylor & Francis, pp. 200-212. ISBN 9781003175605.
Darley, Rebecca (2022) Introduction: the future of global Byzantium. In: Brubaker, L. and Darley, Rebecca and Reynolds, D. (eds.) Global Byzantium. Publications of the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780367260149. (In Press)
Darley, Rebecca (2022) Seen from across the sea: India in the Byzantine worldview. In: Brubaker, L. and Darley, Rebecca and Reynolds, D. (eds.) Global Byzantium. Publications of the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780367260149. (In Press)
Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2022) Enjoyment. In: Li, S. and Hiver, P. and Papi, M. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Individual Differences. The Routledge Handbooks in Second Language Acquisition. London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781032219141. (In Press)
Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2022) Research into multilingualism and emotions. In: Schiewer, G and Altarriba, J and Chin Ng, B (eds.) Language and Emotion: An International Handbook. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK) 46/1. Berlin, Germany: Mouton De Gruyter. ISBN 9783110347487. (In Press)
Dewaele, Jean-Marc (2022) Research on emotions in second language acquisition: reflections on its birth and unexpected growth. In: Al-Hoori, A. and Szabo, F. (eds.) Researching Language Learning Motivation: A Concise Guide. London, UK: Bloomsbury, pp. 125-133. ISBN 9781350166905. (In Press)
Diamantides, Marinos (2022) Oikonomia. In: Goodrich, P. and Gandorfer, D. and Gebruers, C. (eds.) Research Handbook on Law and Literature. Research Handbooks in Legal Theory. Edward Elgar Publishers, pp. 223-249. ISBN 9781839102257.
Dimitrakopoulos, Dionyssis G. (2022) The EU's internal policies. In: Kenealy, D. and Hadfield, A. and Corbett, R. and Peterson, J. (eds.) The European Union: How does it work? 6th edition. New European Union Series. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198862246. (In Press)
Doyle, Nancy (2022) Adapting other internal organizational resources to a neurodiverse workforce. In: Bruyère, S.M. and Colella, A. (eds.) Neurodiversity in the Workplace. Routledge, pp. 267-294. ISBN 9780367902988.
Doyle, Nancy and Hough, L. and Thorne, K. and Banfield, T. (2022) Neurodiversity. In: Liell, G.C. and Fisher, M.J. and Jones, L.F. (eds.) Challenging Bias in Forensic Psychological Assessment and Testing. Routledge, pp. 329-357. ISBN 9781003230977.
Doyle, Nancy and Waseem, Uzma (2022) Using clean language interviewing to explore the lived experience of neurodifferent job applicants. In: Cairns-Lee, H. and Lawley, J. and Tosey, P. (eds.) Clean Language Interviewing. Emerald, pp. 101-115. ISBN 9781801173315.
Edwards, Steve (2022) The street & the barricades: demos and document in Nineteenth-Century photography. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Documentary Genealogies Photography 1848–1917. Madrid, Spain: Museo Reina Sofia, pp. 101-118. ISBN 9788480266420.
Edwards, Steve (2022) The streets & the barricades: demos and document in Nineteenth-Century photography. In: Pinteño, A. (ed.) Documentary Genealogies: Photography 1848–1917. Madrid, Spain: Museo Reina Sofia, pp. 101-117. ISBN 9788480266420.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) “Non”-Fiction. In: Hayes-Brady, Clare (ed.) David Foster Wallace in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (In Press)
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Open Access and Neoliberalism: A Response to Holmwood and Marcuello-Servós. In: Cruickshank, Justin and Abbinnett, Ross (eds.) The Social Production of Knowledge in a Neoliberal Age: Debating the Challenges facing Higher Education. London: Rowman and Littlefield International, pp. 205-210.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Open Access in the Humanities Disciplines. In: O'Sullivan, James (ed.) The Bloomsbury Handbook to the Digital Humanities. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 223-231.
Eve, Martin Paul and Gadie, Robert and Odeniyi, Victoria and Parvin, Shahina (2022) Reviewing the Reviewers: Training Neural Networks to Read Peer Review Reports. In: Jaillant, Lise (ed.) Archives, Access and Artificial Intelligence: Working with Born-Digital and Digitised Archival Collections. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University Press, pp. 131-156. (In Press)
Everson, Michelle (2022) Franz Böhm: private law society and lessons for our age. In: Biebricher, T. and Bonefeld, W. and Nedergaard, P. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Ordoliberalism. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198861201.
Everson, Michelle (2022) Insurance. In: Kassim, H. and Davis, C. and Ennis, S. and Jordan, A. (eds.) UK Regulation after Brexit Revisited. UK in a Changing Europe (ESRC, UEA Center for Competition Policy), pp. 59-61.
Fair, Helen and Heard, Catherine (2022) Prisoners. In: Binder, C. and Nowak, M. and Hofbauer, J.A. and Janig, P. (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781789903614. (In Press)
Frosh, Stephen (2022) Psychoanalysis, race and colonialism. In: Caspi, T. and Govrin, A. (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Psychoanalysis and Philosophy. Routledge International Handbooks. London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780367276454. (In Press)
Garnett, Michael (2022) Prevention, coercion, and two concepts of negative liberty. In: McBride, Mark and Kurki, V.A.J. (eds.) Without Trimmings: The Legal, Moral, and Political Philosophy of Matthew Kramer. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198868866.
Garnett, Michael (2022) Unity and Disunity in the Positive Tradition. In: Christman, J. (ed.) Positive Freedom: Past, Present, and Future. Cambridge University Press, pp. 8-27. ISBN 9781108768276.
Gearey, Adam (2022) Ditches. In: Goodrich, P. and Gandorfer, D. and Gebruers, C. (eds.) Research Handbook on Law and Literature. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 438-452. ISBN 9781839102257.
Gearey, Adam (2022) Saying unsaid: law transformed in Annemarie Ní Churreáin ’s Bloodroot (2017). In: Hanna, A. and McNulty, E. (eds.) Law and Literature: The Irish Case. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press, pp. 45-58. ISBN 9781802077018.
Gemes, Ken (2022) Nietzsche, nihilism, and the paradox of affirmation. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Nietzsche on Morality and the Affirmation of Life. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 16-37. ISBN 9780198728894.
Gidley, Ben (2022) Locality, spatiality and contingency In East London: an interview with Michael Keith. In: Everett, S. and Gidley, Ben (eds.) Jews and Muslims in Europe: Between Discourse and Experience. Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion 13 13. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. ISBN 9789004514324. (In Press)
González-López, Irene (2022) Red-Light Bases (1953): A cross-temporal contact zone. In: Kirsch, G. and Mithani, Forum (eds.) Handbook of Japanese Media and Popular Culture in Transition. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 47-61. ISBN 9789048559268.
González-López, Irene and Armendariz-Hernandez, Alejandra (2022) ‘‘Female Director’: discourses and practices in contemporary Japan. In: Desser, D. (ed.) A Companion to Japanese Cinema. Wiley Blackwell Companions to National Cinemas. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 421-445. ISBN 9781118955345.
Goodhand, J. and Koehler, J. and Bhatia, Jasmine (2022) Trading spaces: Afghan borderland brokers and the transformation of the margins. In: Gallien, M. and Weigand, F. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 118-133. ISBN 9780367489533.
Gray, Benjamin (2022) Civic and counter-civic cosmopolitanism: Diodorus, Strabo and the later Hellenistic polis. In: König, J. and Wiater, N. (eds.) Rethinking Late Hellenistic Literature in Dialogue. Greek Culture in the Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 149-177. ISBN 9781009030878.
Grzankowski, Alex and Buchanan, R. (2022) Propositions as objects of the attitudes. In: Tillman, C. and Murray, A.R. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Propositions. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138282940.
Hamblyn, Richard (2022) Behold... The Sea. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) BBC Proms Guide 2022. BBC Publications, pp. 104-107. ISBN 9781912114115.
Harman, Kerry (2022) Caring and the feminist imaginary: creating moments of equality when researching sensory ways of knowing homecare: toward an aesthetics of care? In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Feminism, Adult Education and Creative Possibility: Imaginative Responses. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 197-208. ISBN 9781350231047.
Harman, Kerry (2022) Creating moments of equality when researching sensory ways of knowing homecare: toward an aesthetics of care? In: Clover, Darlene and Harman, Kerry and Sanford, K. (eds.) Feminism, adult education and creative possibility: Imaginative responses. Bloomsbury Critical Education. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350231047.
Hasselberg, I. and Montanari, L. and Vandam, L. and Royuela, L. and Turnbull, Paul and Mounteney, J. (2022) Current insights and future challenges. In: Montanari, L. and Royuela, L. and Hasselberg, I. and Vandam, L. (eds.) Prison and drugs in Europe: current and future challenges. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, pp. 99-111. ISBN 9789294976901.
Heard, Catherine (2022) Prison population rates before and during the pandemic: lessons from COVID-19 about over-incarceration and its consequences for health (In: The Impact of Covid-19 on Prison Conditions and Penal Policy). In: Dunkel, F. and Harrendorf, S. and van Zyl Smit, D. (eds.) The Impact of COVID-19 on Prison Conditions and Penal Policy. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice 1. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 607-633. ISBN 9780367769727.
Heard, Catherine and Padfield, N. (2022) England and Wales. In: Dunkel, F. and Harrendorf, S. and van Zyl Smit, D. (eds.) The Impact of Covid-19 on Prison Conditions and Penal Policy. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice 1. London, UK and New York, U.S.: Routledge, pp. 169-180. ISBN 9780367769727.
Hein, Wendy and Hearn, J. (2022) From identity politics to the politics of power: men, masculinities and transnational patriarchies in marketing and consumer research. In: Maclaran, P. and Stevens, L. and Kravets, O. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Feminism. Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Marketing. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780367477578.
Herzog, Nitsa J. and Magoulas, George D. (2022) Machine learning-supported MRI analysis of brain asymmetry for early diagnosis of dementia. In: Hassanien, A.E. and Bhatnagar, R. and Snášel, V. and Yasin Shams, M. (eds.) Medical Informatics and Bioimaging Using Artificial Intelligence. Studies in Computational Intelligence 1005. Springer, pp. 29-52. ISBN 9783030911034.
Herzog, Nitsa and Magoulas, George (2022) Transfer learning and magnetic resonance imaging techniques for the deep neural network-based diagnosis of early cognitive decline and dementia. In: Chicco, D. and Facchiano, A. and Mutarelli, M. (eds.) Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics: 17th International Meeting, CIBB 2021, Virtual Event, November 15–17, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, pp. 53-66. ISBN 9783031208379.
Hicks, L.V. and Bintley, Michael D.J. (2022) Landscapes of concealment and revelation in the Brut narratives: Geoffrey of Monmouth, Wace and Laȝamon. In: Church, S.D. (ed.) Anglo-Norman Studies XLIV: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2021. Anglo-Norman Studies. Boydell and Brewer. ISBN 9781783277131. (In Press)
Hide, Louise (2022) Mental hospitals, social exclusion and public ‘Scandals’. In: Ikkos, G. and Bouras, N. (eds.) Mind, State and Society: Psychiatry and Mental Health in Britain 1960-2010. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 60-68. ISBN 9781911623793.
Hide, Louise (2022) Removing the ‘veil of secrecy’: public inquiries as sources in the history of Psychiatry, 1960s - 1970s. In: Millard, C. and Wallis, J. (eds.) Sources in the History of Psychiatry, from 1800 to the Present. Routledge Guides to Using Historical Sources. London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780367541231. (In Press)
Hoffmann, M. and Longo, Matthew (2022) Body models in humans and robots. In: Alsmith, A.J.T. and Longo, Matthew (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Bodily Awareness. Routledge. ISBN 9780367337315. (In Press)
Hope, Sophie (2022) Affective experiments: card games, blind dates and dinner parties. In: Timm Knudsen, B. and Krogh, M. and Stage, C. (eds.) Methodologies of Affective Experimentation. Springer, pp. 223-244. ISBN 9783030962715.
Hope, Sophie (2022) We thought we were going to change the world! socially engaged art as cruel optimism. In: Cartiere, C. and Schrag, A. (eds.) The Failures of Public Art and Participation. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780367751814. (In Press)
Hopley, P.J. and Maxwell, Simon J. (2022) Environmental and stratigraphic bias in the Hominin Fossil Record: implications for theories of the climatic forcing of human evolution. In: Reynolds, S.C. and Bobe, R. (eds.) African Paleoecology and Human Evolution. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 15-23. ISBN 9781107074033.
Hossack, Keith (2022) Necessity, conditionals and apriority. In: Kürbis, Nils and Assadian, B. and Nassim, Jonathan (eds.) Knowledge, Number and Reality Encounters with the Work of Keith Hossack. London, UK: Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781350186439. (In Press)
Hossack, Keith (2022) A summary of my current views. In: Kurbis, Nils and Assadian, Bahram and Nassim, Jonathan (eds.) Knowledge, Number and Reality: Encounters with the Work of Keith Hossack. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350186439.
Hughes, Lizzie (2022) The seed. In: Crockett Thomas, P. (ed.) Abolition Science Fiction. Phil Crockett Thomas, pp. 20-23. ISBN 9780852619858.
James, Susan (2022) The question of personal identity. In: Maitra, K. and MacWeeney, J. (eds.) Feminist Philosophy of Mind. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190867614.
James, Susan (2022) The relationship between philosophy and its history. In: Bourke, R. and Skinner, Q. (eds.) History in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 211-229. ISBN 9781009231008. (In Press)
Keenan, Bernard (2022) Death. In: Goodrich, P. and Gandorfer, D. (eds.) Research Handbook on Law and Literature. Research Handbooks in Legal Theory. Edward Elgar, p. 339. ISBN 9781839102257.
Keenan, Sarah (2022) Ownership without control? Mortgage finance and changing formations of property. In: Graham, N. and Davies, M. and Godden, L. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Property, Law and Society. Routledge. ISBN 9780367688813.
Kim, S.-K. and Yeun, C.Y. and Yoo, Paul and Lo, N.-W. and Damiani, E. (2022) Deep learning-based arrhythmia detection using RR-Interval framed electrocardiograms. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) The 8th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer. (In Press)
Kong, Camillia (2022) Balancing prevention and respect: the ethical stakes of a psychiatric genomics lens for mental disorder and intellectual disability. In: Tsermpini, E.E. and Alda, M. and Patrinos, G.P. (eds.) Psychiatric Genomics. Translational and Applied Genomics. Academic Press, Elsevier. ISBN 9780128196021.
Kong, Camillia (2022) The significance of strong evaluation and narrativity in supporting capacity. In: Donnelly, M. and Harding, R. and Tascioglu, E. (eds.) Supporting Legal Capacity in Socio-Legal Context. Oñati International Series in Law and Society. Hart. ISBN 9781509940349. (In Press)
Lawton Smith, Helen and De Silva, Muthu (2022) Future entrepreneurs: exploring paradigms in the entrepreneurial learning experience. In: Henry, C. and Casqueria Coelho Gabriel, B. and Sailer, K. and Bernado-Mansilla, E. and Lahikainen, K. (eds.) Strategies for the Creation and Maintenance of Entrepreneurial Universities. London: IGI Global, pp. 168-193. ISBN 9781799874560.
Leslie, Esther (2022) Art up for grabs. In: Teige, K. (ed.) The Marketplace of Art / Commentary. Dijon, France: Les pressses du reel. ISBN 9789526938981.
Leslie, Esther (2022) In turbid environments. In: Denecke, M. and Kuhn, H. and Stürmer, M. (eds.) Liquidity, Flows, Circulation: The Cultural Logic of Environmentalization. Diaphanes, pp. 165-180. ISBN 9783035804812.
Leslie, Esther (2022) Intergalactic matter. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Strange Attractor. Lisbon, Portugal: Galerias Municipais/EGEAC. ISBN 9789898763716.
Leslie, Esther (2022) Kitsch, Schlock and Camp. In: Shapiro, S. and Storey, M. (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to American Horror. Cambridge Companions to Literature 300. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 91-104. ISBN 9781009071550.
Leslie, Esther (2022) Liquid metal, liquid crystal meets swimming Nanorobots: on the political aesthetics of self-organising behaviours in life systems. In: Finke, M. and Nakas, K. (eds.) Fluidity: Materials in Motion. Berlin, Germany: Reimer, pp. 105-120. ISBN 9783496016724.
Lillehammer, Hallvard (2022) Autonomy and mental health. In: Colburn, B. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Autonomy. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780367258207. (In Press)
Lillehammer, Hallvard (2022) Debunking what? In: Machuca, D.E. (ed.) Evolutionary Debunking Arguments Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mathematics, Metaphysics, and Epistemology. Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780367458447. (In Press)
Lillehammer, Hallvard (2022) Keeping track of your trolleys: origins and destinations. In: Lillehammer, Hallvard (ed.) The Trolley Problem. Classic Philosophical Arguments. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781009255615. (In Press)
Lina, Dzuverovic (2022) Yugoslav pop, female artists and the emergence of feminist agency. In: Minioudaki, K. and Hadler, M. (eds.) Pop Art and Beyond: Gender, Race and Class in the Global Sixties. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781350197534.
Loizidou, Elena (2022) Utopia. In: Goodrich, P. and Gandorfer, D. and Gebruers, C. (eds.) Research Handbook in Law and Literature. Research Handbooks in Legal Theory. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 128-146. ISBN 9781839102257.
Luckhurst, Roger (2022) Communications. In: Morgan, G. (ed.) Science Fiction: Voyage to the Edge of Imagination. London: Thames and Hudson, pp. 126-145. ISBN 9780500252390.
Luckhurst, Roger (2022) Epilogue: the death of death – Zero K, Don DeLillo (2016). In: Bacon, S. (ed.) Undead in the 21st Century: A Companion. Genre Fiction and Film Companions 10. London, UK: Peter Lang, pp. 273-280. ISBN 9781789977363.
Mangion, Carmen M. (2022) Representing Catholic medical missions in the English Press. Education, professionalism and internationality (1950-1970). In: Dumons, B. (ed.) Women’s Missionary Congregations: Education, Care and Humanitarianism : A Transnational History (19th-20th centuries). Rome, Italy: Norme Viella. ISBN 9791254692066.
Maniura, Robert (2022) Crossing boundaries with pilgrim badges. In: Wilson, K. and Clark, L. (eds.) Mobility of Objects Across Boundaries 1000-1700. Exeter Studies in Medieval Europe. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 83-100. ISBN 9781800856349.
McKim, Joel (2022) Deep learning the city: the spatial imaginaries of AI. In: Rose, G. (ed.) Seeing the City Digitally: Processing Urban Space and Time. Cities and Culture. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 35-56. ISBN 9789463727037.
Meyer, Caspar (2022) Domesticating the ancient house: the archaeology of a false analogy. In: Baird, Jennifer and Pudsey, April (eds.) Housing in the Ancient Mediterranean World: Material and Textual Approaches. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781108845267. (In Press)
Miles, J. and Monk, Daniel and Probert, R. (2022) 'Irretrievably broken'? introducing the life-story of the divorce reform act 1969. In: Miles, J. and Monk, Daniel and Probert, R. (eds.) Fifty Years of the Divorce Reform Act 1969. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781509947881.
Mills, Victoria (2022) Vision, history and the Tauchnitz editions of George Eliot's 'Romola'. In: Pelizzari, M.A. and Wilcox, S. (eds.) The Idea of Italy: Photography and the British Imagination, 1840-1900. New Haven, U.S.: Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300263831.
Monk, Daniel (2022) Celebrating Hoggett & Pearl: The Family, Law and Society, 1983 - 2009. In: Hunter, R. and Rackley, E. (eds.) Justice for Everyone - The Jurisprudence and Legal Lives of Brenda Hale. Cambridge University Press, pp. 53-73. ISBN 9781108479363.
Monk, Daniel (2022) New divorce law for England and Wales. In: Declerck, C. and Mosselmans, S. (eds.) Patrimonium 2022. London, UK: Die Keure, pp. 513-520. ISBN 9789048644889.
Monk, Daniel (2022) Royal divorces and the remaking of marriage and monarchy. In: Miles, J. and Monk, Daniel and Probert, R. (eds.) Fifty Years of the Divorce Reform Act 1969. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781509947881.
Montanari, L. and Vandam, L. and Hasselberg, I. and Royuela, L. and Turnbull, Paul and Griffiths, P. (2022) An introduction to prison and drugs in Europe. In: Montanari, L. and Royuela, L. and Hasselberg, I. and Vandam, L. (eds.) Prison and drugs in Europe: current and future challenges. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, pp. 99-111. ISBN 9789294976901.
Moore, Nathan (2022) What is exhaustion? On justice and contingency. In: Goodrich, P. and Gandorfer, D. (eds.) Research Handbook on Law and Literature. Research Handbooks in Legal Theory. Elgar Press. ISBN 9781839102257. (In Press)
Neller, Jen (2022) Hate speech law and equality: a cautionary tale for advocates of ‘stirring up gender hatred’ offences. In: Guney, G. and Davies, D. and Lee, P.-H. (eds.) Towards Gender Equality in Law: An Analysis of State Failures from a Global Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 153-174. ISBN 9783030980740.
Noble, Steven (2022) The U, V and W polynomials. In: Ellis-Monaghan, J.A. and Moffatt, I. (eds.) Handbook of the Tutte Polynomial and Related Topics. Chapman & Hall. ISBN 9781482240627.
Opacic, Zoe and Szakács, B.Z. (2022) Art and architecture in Medieval East Central Europe. In: Zečević, N. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Central Europe. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780190920715. (In Press)
Owen, Louise (2022) Introductory essay to "Beyond Caring". In: Zeldin, Alexander (ed.) The Inequalities: Beyond Caring; LOVE; Faith, Hope and Charity. Methuen Drama. London, UK: Bloomsbury Methuen, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9781350271777.
Owen, Louise and Zaroulia, M. (2022) Re-membering assembly. In: Wallace, C. and Escoda, C. and Monforte, E. and Prado-Pérez, J.R. (eds.) Crisis, Representation and Resilience: Perspectives on Contemporary British Theatre. Methuen Drama Engage. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 209-225. ISBN 9781350180857.
Pontes, Halley and Satel, J. and McDowall, Almuth (2022) Internet addiction. In: Pontes, Halley (ed.) Behavioral Addictions: Conceptual, Clinical, Assessment, and Treatment Approaches. Studies in Neuroscience, Psychology and Behavioral Economics. Springer, pp. 119-145. ISBN 9783031047718.
Price, Anthony W. (2022) Plato on the object of thirst: comments on Jessica Moss, 'Against Bare Urges and Good-Independent Desires: Appetites in Republic IV'. In: Leigh, F. (ed.) Psychology and Value in Plato, Aristotle, and Hellenistic Philosophy: The Ninth Keeling Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780192858108. (In Press)
Prieto Piastro, C. and Colas, Alex (2022) "Like the Papacy of Mexican Cuisine": Mayoras and traditional foods in contemporary Mexico. In: Colas, Alex and Ranta, R. and Montersescu, D. (eds.) Going Native? Settler Colonialism and Food. Food and Identity in a Globalising World. London, UK and New York, U.S.: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783030962678.
Przelomska, N.A.S. and Dodsworth, Steven and Giraldes Simões, A.R. and Malakasi, I. and Woods, R. and Fulcher, T. and Woudstra, Y. and Grace, O.M. (2022) DNA from plant tissue. In: de Boer, H. and Rydmark, M.O. and Verstraete, B. and Gravendeel, B. (eds.) Molecular Identification of Plants: From Sequence to Species. Sofia, Bulgaria: Pensoft Publishers, pp. 10-28. ISBN 9786192480929.
Reeves, Craig (2022) Responsibility beyond blame: unfree agency and the moral psychology of criminal law's persons. In: Lernestedt, C. and Matravers, M. (eds.) The Criminal Law's Person. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing, pp. 139-166. ISBN 9781509923748.
Retford, Kate (2022) Des images parlantes: la sociabilité dans les conversation pieces du XVIIIe britannique [Talking pictures: sociability in the Eighteenth-Century British conversation piece]. In: Alayrac-Fielding, V. and Mesplède, S. (eds.) Les Réseaux de sociabilité dans la culture des Lumières : Circulations, échanges et transferts. Transversales VIII. Paris, France: Le Manuscrit. ISBN 9782304053531.
Rodgers, Scott (2022) Visualizing locality now: objects, practices and environments of social media imagery around urban change. In: Rose, G. (ed.) Seeing the City Digitally: Processing Urban Space and Time. Cities and Cultures. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press. ISBN 9789463727037. (In Press)
Rossi, Federica (2022) The contribution of universities to business innovation. In: Antonelli, C. (ed.) Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation. Elgar Encyclopedias in Economics and Finance. Edward Elgar, pp. 63-71. ISBN 9781839106989.
Serisier, Tanya (2022) What does it mean to #believewomen? popular feminism and survivor narratives. In: Dawson, P. and Mäkelä, M. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Narrative Theory. New York, U.S.: Routledge. ISBN 9781003100157. (In Press)
Sheringham, Olivia (2022) Home and the city. In: Blunt, A. and Dowling, R. (eds.) Home (2nd Edition). Routledge, pp. 141-188. ISBN 9780367347253.
Sinnicks, M. and Reeves, Craig (2022) Work. In: Sellers, M. and Kirste, S. (eds.) Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Springer. ISBN 9789400767300.
Stack, Mike (2022) Clarke dare not speak its name: defining sexuality in imperial earth. In: Butler, A.M. and March-Russell, P. (eds.) Rendezvous with Arthur C. Clarke: Centenary Essays. SF Storyworlds: Critical Studies in Science Fiction 3. Gylphi Press, pp. 213-234. ISBN 9781780241081.
Styan, David (2022) Djibouti: bridging the Gulf of Aden? balancing ports, patronage and military bases between Yemen's war and the Horn. In: Mason, R. and Mabon, S. (eds.) The Gulf States and the Horn of Africa: Interests, influences and instability. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9781526162168.
Teoh, Kevin and Hassard, J. and Blake, H. (2022) Why health care employers should promote health: the costs of ill health at work. In: Blake, H. and Stacey, G. (eds.) Health and Wellbeing at Work for Nurses and Midwives. Elselvier. ISBN 9780323880534.
Tsang, Michael (2022) World-weaving in Nineteenth-Century East Asia: the case of Hong Kong's earliest Chinese newspaper, gems from near and afar. In: Bhattacharya, A. and Hibbitt, R. and Scuriatti, L. (eds.) Literary Capitals in the Long Nineteenth Century: Spaces beyond the Centres. Literary Urban Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 61-86. ISBN 9783031130595.
Turnbull, Paul and Montanari, L. and Royuela, L. and Hughes, B. and Vandam, L. (2022) Supply of drugs in prison. In: Montanari, L. and Royuela, L. and Hasselberg, I. and Vandam, L. (eds.) Prison and drugs in Europe: current and future challenges. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, pp. 99-111. ISBN 9789294976901.
Vera-Sanso, Penny (2022) Ageing and development. In: Sims, K. and Banks, N. and Engel, S. and Hodge, P. and Makuwira, J. and Nakamura, N. and Rigg, J. and Salamanca, A. and Yeophantong, P. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Global Development. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780367862022.
Viscomi, Joseph (2022) Leaving Egypt: rethinking 1956 through Italian departures. In: Curli, B. (ed.) Italy and the Suez Canal, from the Mid-nineteenth Century to the Cold War: A Mediterranean History. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 9783030882556. (In Press)
Viscomi, Joseph (2022) Pontremoli's cry: personhood, scale, and history in the Eastern Mediterranean. In: Ben-Yehoyada, N. and Silverstein, P. (eds.) The Mediterranean Redux: Ethnography, Theory, Politics. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781032214962. (In Press)
Viscomi, Joseph and Rommell, C. (2022) Introduction: Locating the Mediterranean. In: Viscomi, Joseph and Rommel, C. (eds.) Locating the Mediterranean: Connections and Separations across Space and Time. Helsinki University Press, pp. 1-30. ISBN 9789523690776.
Warner, Marina (2022) Foreword. In: Fishbein, M. (ed.) Kalīlah and Dimnah: Fables of Virtue and Vice. New York, U.S. and Abu Dhabi: Library of Arabic Literature/New York University Press. ISBN 9781479806539.
Warner, Marina (2022) Ravelling time: the aesthetic adventures of Rachel Kneebone. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Rachel Kneebone: Punoutua. Mänttä-Vilppula, Finland: Parvs Publishing Ltd & Serlachius Museum, pp. 11-28. ISBN 9789527226612.
Warner, Marina (2022) Transubstantiation. In: Schlieker, A. (ed.) Conelia Parker. London, UK: Tate Publishing, pp. 110-113. ISBN 9781849767866.
Warner, Marina (2022) Viral spiral. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) The milk of dreams = Il latte dei sogni : Biennale arte 2022. Venice, Italy: La Biennale di Venezia. ISBN 9788898727629.
Warner, Marina and Kjartansdóttir, H. (2022) Eftirmáli. In: UNSPECIFIED (ed.) Argóarflísin : goðsaga um Jason og Keneif. Reykjavik, Iceland: JPV útgáfa, pp. 151-167. ISBN 9789935293664.
Wesner, Simone (2022) Art activism and community engagement. In: DeVereaux, C. (ed.) Managing the Arts and Culture: Cultivating a Practice. Abingdon, UK and New York, U.S.: Taylor & Francis, pp. 347-373. ISBN 9780367622619 and 9780367622633. (In Press)
Wiseman, Sue (2022) Non-elite networks and women. In: Scott-Baumann, E. and Clarke, D. and Ross, S.C.E. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Women's Writing in English, 1540-1700. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198860631. (In Press)
Worthy, Ben (2022) “Three Harmless Words": New Labour and Freedom of Information. In: Gordon, M and Tucker, A (eds.) The New Labour Constitution: Twenty Years On. Hart Studies in Constitutional Law. London, UK: Hart Publishing, 153 -175. ISBN 9781509924653.
Yarker, Jo and Donaldson-Feilder, E. and Lewis, Rachel (2022) Management competencies for health and wellbeing. In: Brough, P. and Gardiner, E. and Daniels, K. (eds.) Handbook on Management and Employment Practices. Handbook Series in Occupational Health Science. Springer. ISBN 9783030249366.
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Zhang, G. and Nulty, Paul and Lillis, D. (2022) A decade of legal argumentation mining: datasets and approaches. In: Rosso, P. and Basile, V. and Martínez, R. and Métais, E. and Meziane, F. (eds.) Natural Language Processing and Information Systems - 27th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2022, Valencia, Spain, June 15–17, 2022, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13286. Springer, pp. 240-252. ISBN 9783031084720.
Alessandri, Piergiorgio and Mumtaz, Haroon (2022) The macroeconomic cost of climate volatility. Working Paper. Birkbeck Centre for Applied Macroeconomics, London, UK.
Beckert, Walter and Siciliani, P. (2022) Protecting sticky consumers in essential markets. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Chudik, Alexander and Hashem Pesaran, M. and Smith, Ron P. (2022) Revisiting the Great Ratios Hypothesis. Working Paper. Birkbeck Centre for Applied Macroeconomics, London, UK.
De Silva, Muthu and Lavelle, O. and Schmidt, N. and Paunov, C. (2022) Co-creation during COVID-19: 30 comparative international case studies. Technical Report. OECD.
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Fragkandreas, Thanos (2022) Three decades of research on innovation and inequality: causal scenarios, explanatory factors, and suggestions. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Galpin, Jeremy (2022) How can digital technology be used to maximise the social value delivered through major infrastructure projects? Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Ghassibe, M. and Zanetti, F. (2022) State dependence of fiscal multipliers: the source of fluctuations matters. Working Paper. Birkbeck Centre for Applied Macroeconomics, London, UK.
Heyes, A. and Kapur, Sandeep (2022) The Precautionary Principle when project implementation capacity is congestible. Discussion Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Hori, Kenjiro and Wright, Stephen (2022) Unpleasant actuarial arithmetic: fair contribution rates for defined benefit pension schemes. Working Paper. Department of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, London, UK.
Hunter, Gillian and Bhardwa, Bina (2022) Language barriers in the criminal justice system. Project Report. The Bell Foundation, London, UK.
Ikeda, D. and Li, S. and Mavroeidis, S. and Zanetti, F. (2022) Testing the effectiveness of unconventional monetary policy in Japan and the United States. Working Paper. Birkbeck Centre for Applied Macroeconomics, London, UK.
Jarman, Ben and Vince, C. (2022) Making progress? What progression means for people serving the longest sentences. Technical Report. Prison Reform Trust, London, UK.
Kamau-Mitchell, Caroline (2022) How pesticides, social isolation and other factors raise the risk of stress and mental disorders among farmers – review of scientific evidence. Other. UK Parliament.
Kamau-Mitchell, Caroline (2022) On the Competition Act 1998 (Health Services for Patients in England) (Coronavirus) (Public Policy Exclusion) Order 2022 (SI 2022/124). Other. House of Lords, London, UK.
Kamau-Mitchell, Caroline (2022) Report FGP0388 for the UK Parliament Health and Social Care Committee. Other. UK Parliament, London, UK.
Kinman, Gail (2022) Supporting practitioner wellbeing. Other. Research in Practice, Devon, UK.
Knapp, C. and Noble, Steven (2022) The complexity of the Greedoid Tutte Polynomial. Technical Report. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK. (Submitted)
Lawton Smith, Helen (2022) The TRansforming Institutions by Gendering contents and Gaining Equality in Research (TRIGGER): project report. Project Report. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Lawton Smith, Helen and Mansour, Dina (2022) Addressing regional inequalities in innovation opportunities for ethnically diverse and disabled entrepreneurs. Project Report. CIMR, Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Mamatzakis, Emmanuel (2022) A Bayesian policy learning model of COVID-19 interventions and its impact on household debt repayments. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Mamatzakis, Emmanuel (2022) Euro-area monetary policy, bank resilience and bank competition. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Mamatzakis, Emmanuel and Ongena, S. and Tsionas, M.G. (2022) Why do households repay their debt during the COVID-19 crisis? A VAR analysis using neural networks. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Mamatzakis, Emmanuel and Ongena, S. and Tsionas, M.G. (2022) The response of household debt to COVID-19 using a neural networks VAR in OECD. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Mamatzakis, Emmanuel and Staikouras, C. and Triantopoulos, C. (2022) How low for how long? From a monetary policy perspective. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Marioni, L. and Rincon-Aznar, A. and Aitken, A. and Kapur, Sandeep and Smith, Ron P. and Beckert, Walter (2022) Estimating food and drink demand elasticities. Technical Report. National Institute of Economics and Social Research.
McDowall, Almuth and Raine, C. and Gamblin, David and Teoh, Kevin (2022) A bittersweet symphony - The experience of working lives and caring duties in classical music. Technical Report. PiPA.
McKim, Joel and Arrigoni, G. and Kane, N. and McConnachie, S. (2022) Preserving and sharing born-digital and hybrid objects from and across the National Collection. Project Report. V&A Research Institute, London, UK.
Mineshima-Lowe, Dale and Biderbost, P. and Carrasquero, G.B. (2022) Weighing up the options. Adventure of an academic career outside of the US? Working Paper. American Political Science Association.
Potter, J. and Lawton Smith, Helen (2022) Applying the entrepreneurial ecosystem concept to regional entrepreneurship policy analysis – a critique. Working Paper. CIMR, Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Seyyide, Ayse and Lawton Smith, Helen (2022) Engaged scholarship: addressing regional inequalities in innovation opportunities for BAME and disabled entrepreneurs. Project Report. Birkbeck, University of London, Oxford, UK.
Smith, Keith (2022) Geopolitical and environmental implications of the Ukraine conflict. UNSPECIFIED. CIMR, Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
St Aubyn, Carolyn (2022) Consumer choices with wealth preferences and separation of consumption and payment. Working Paper. Birkbeck Centre for Applied Macroeconomics, London, UK.
Yarker, Jo and Lewis, Rachel and Sinclair, Alice and Munir, F. (2022) A review of qualitative research that informs on implementation issues for workplace mental health interventions. Technical Report. World Health Organisation.
Yunxiong Li, G. and Ascani, A. and Iammarino, S. (2022) The material basis of modern technologies. A case study on rare metals. Working Paper. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.
Conference or Workshop Item
Al-Obaidi, A. and Al-Nima, R. and Han, Tingting (2022) Interpreting Arabic Sign Alphabet by using the Deep Learning. In: International Conference on Sustainable Development Techniques, 29-30 Jun 2022, Mosul City, Iraq. (In Press)
Brown, O. and Joinson, A. and Gore, Julie (2022) Qualitative analysis for sensitive online research: how to protect against researcher vulnerabilities. In: Qualitative Research Symposium: Researcher Vunerability, 1-2 Feb 2022, Bath, UK. (Unpublished)
Brown, O. and Power, N. and Gore, Julie (2022) Cognitive task analysis: eliciting management cognition. In: Academy of Management Conference, 5-9 Aug 2022, Seattle, U.S..
Candlin, Fiona (2022) Mapping Museums: questions of representation and participatory parity. In: Critical Heritage and Social Justice Workshop, 03-04 May 2022, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Candlin, Fiona (2022) The UK Museums Boom (and what happened next). In: The UK Museums Boom (and what happened next), 17 Nov 2022, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Chen, Qing and Helmer, Sven and Lachish, Oded and Bohlen, Michael (2022) Dynamic Spanning Trees for connectivity queries on fully-dynamic undirected graphs. In: 48th International Conference on Very Large Databases, 5-9 Sep 2022, Sydney, Australia.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Basic Instinct: Simple Computation for Close Readings. In: Brave New Humanities! Computational Literary Studies, 8 April, 2022, University of Wolverhampton.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) COPIM & Open Access Monographs: Opportunities for supporting Open Access books. In: OA Australasia Webinar, 23 May 2022, Online.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) COPIM and Open Access Monographs. In: Research Libraries UK Conference, 16th March 2022, Online.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) COPIM and Open Access Monographs. In: Library Publishing Coalition Annual Conference, May 18-19 2022, Online.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Fairness, Openness, Access, and Evaluation. In: Business Librarians Association Conference, 30 June 2022, Online.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Making Open Access Book Funding Work Fairly. In: Researcher to Reader, 22-23 February 2022, London / Online.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Making Open Access Book Funding Work Fairly. In: Oxford Festival of Open Scholarship, 15th March 2022, University of Oxford.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Making Open Access Book Funding Work Fairly. In: CRL Webinar, 24 May 2022, Online. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Making Open Access Book Funding Work Fairly: The emergence of library membership funding models for Open Access monographs. In: Access Lab 2022, 15 March 2022, Online.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Myth: If I publish my book Open Access, I won't have control over my work. In: OA Mythbusters, 16th March 2022, Online.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) NGLP: The Janeway Pilot. In: NGLP Community Forum, 10 March 2022, Online.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) OA Monographs: Making Mandates Reality. In: RLUK and COPIM: Open Access Monographs: Making Mandates Reality, 23rd June 2022, Online.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Open Access Funding: Innovative and Community Based Publishing Initiatives and their Strategic Importance. In: Jisc Content Negotiation Strategy Group, April 28 2022, Online.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Open Access Monographs. In: Bloomsbury Academic Away Day, 25th May 2022, Online. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Open Access and Digital Mutations in Academic Publishing. In: Mälardalen University, 7 April 2022, Online.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Open Monographs: Next Steps. In: Research Seminar, 17th January 2022, Teesside University.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Open Monographs: Next Steps. In: Open Research Seminar, 5th July 2022, Northumbria University.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Registers of Knowledge: Computation for Close Readings and Close Readings of Computation. In: Seminar, 16th March 2022, University of Cambridge.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Shadow Libraries: Education and Other Forms of Piracy. In: OASPA Webinar on Shadow Libraries, 12 May 2022, Online.
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) Warez? The Infrastructures and Aesthetics of Piracy. In: CCPR-CREATe Seminar, April 12 2022, University of Glasgow, Online.
Eve, Martin Paul and Grady, Tom (2022) Making Open Access Book Funding Work Fairly: Opening the Future library membership scheme & publisher toolkit. In: AUP Seminar, 2 September 2022, Online. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul and Pinter, Frances and Poznanski, Emily and Baier, Katharina (2022) Opening the Future. In: Austrian Consortium Webinar, 8th June 2022, Online. (Unpublished)
Eve, Martin Paul and Staines, Heather and Poznanski, Emily and Paalvast, Stephanie (2022) New Models for Open Books. In: Researcher to Reader, 22-23 February 2022, London / Online. (Unpublished)
Fortin, M. and Konev, B. and Ryzhikov, Vladislav and Savateev, Yury and Wolter, F. and Zakhariyashchev, Michael (2022) Unique characterisability and learnability of Temporal Instance Queries. In: 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2022, 31 Jul - 05 Aug 2022, Haifa, Israel.
Gore, Julie and Clerici, A. and Hillyer, C. and Webster, L. and McEwan, D. and Brown, O. (2022) Improving sensemaking, exploring adaptive team performance: a rapid scoping review. In: European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 11-14 Jan 2022, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. (Unpublished)
Herzog, Nitsa and Magoulas, George (2022) Deep transfer learning for DTI- and MRI- based early diagnosis of cognitive decline and dementia. In: 17th International Conference on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics-CIBB 2021, 15-17 Nov 2021, Online.
Kamau-Mitchell, Caroline (2022) Eradicating sexism and sexual harassment in medicine conference. In: Eradicating Sexism and Sexual Harassment in Medicine Conference, 12 Nov 2022, Online.
Lewis, Ann (2022) Les gravures de 'Julie, ou la nouvelle Héloïse' hors le livre: décor de chambre et almanachs. In: Vivre la fiction: La littérature par ses appropriations au quotidien (XVIIIe – XXe siècles), 5-6 Oct 2022, Saint-Denis, France. (Unpublished)
Lewis, Ann (2022) Working women in Mercier's 'Tableau de Paris': defining prostitution. In: Women and Work across the 18th-century Francophone Globe, 13-14 Oct 2022, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Maniura, Robert (2022) The golden norm: the persistence of gold in the painting of Latin Christian Europe. In: L’or à la Renaissance en Europe occidentale. Approches interdisciplinaires, 9-10 June 2022, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Matuozzo, Alberto and Yoo, Paul and Provetti, Alessandro and Kim, Maria (2022) Machine learning methods for Equity Time Series forecasting: a compendium. In: 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Oct 17-21 2022, Atlanta, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Tsang, Michael (2022) Hong Kong in the World; the World in Hong Kong; Reading Dung Kai-cheung’s Hong Kong Type Allegorically. In: Unknown Futures: A Seminar on Hong Kong, 23-24 May, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tsang, Michael (2022) A magical and critical journey to Haruki Murakami's literature. In: READ@PolyU, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 04 Nov 2022, Online.
Pontes, Halley, ed. (2022) Behavioral addictions: conceptual, clinical, assessment, and treatment approaches. Studies in Neuroscience, Psychology and Behavioral Economics. Springer. ISBN 9783031047725.
Teoh, Kevin and Frost, F. and Singh, J. and Charalampous, M. and Muñoz, M., eds. (2022) Book of proceedings: 15th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, 'supporting knowledge comparison to promote good practice in occupational health psychology'. Nottingham: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. ISBN 9780992878665.
Ashby, Charlotte and Crinson, Mark, eds. (2022) Building/object: shared and contested territories of design and architecture. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781350234000. (In Press)
Clover, Darlene and Sanford, K. and Harman, Kerry, eds. (2022) Feminism, adult education and creative possibility: imaginative responses. Bloomsbury Critical Education. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781350231047.
Miles, J. and Monk, Daniel and Probert, R., eds. (2022) Fifty years of the Divorce Reform Act 1969. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781509947881.
Retford, Kate and McMullan, G. and Barnden, S. and Tambling, Kirsten, eds. (2022) Finding Shakespeare in the Royal Collection. Oxford University Press. (Submitted)
Brubaker, L. and Darley, Rebecca and Reynolds, D., eds. (2022) Global Byzantium: papers from the fiftieth spring symposium of Byzantine studies. Publications of the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9780367260149. (In Press)
Bundy, A. and Mareschal, Denis, eds. (2022) HLC 2022. Human-Like Computing Workshop 2022. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3227. CEUR.
Baird, Jennifer and Pudsey, April, eds. (2022) Housing in the ancient Mediterranean world: material and textual approaches. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781108845267. (In Press)
Reinisch, Jessica and Brydan, D., eds. (2022) Internationalists in European History. Histories of Internationalism. London, UK: Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781472986986.
Everett, S.S. and Gidley, Ben, eds. (2022) Jews and Muslims in Europe: between discourse and experience. Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion 13. Brill. ISBN 9789004514324.
Viscomi, Joseph and Rommel, C., eds. (2022) Locating the Mediterranean: connections and separations across space and time. Helsinki University Press. ISBN 9789523690769.
Mills, Victoria and Nichols, K., eds. (2022) Victorian arts. Victorian Material Culture. Routledge. ISBN 9781138225329.
Kontou, T. and Mills, Victoria, eds. (2022) Victorian material culture. Victorian Material Culture. Routledge. ISBN 9781138225268.
Lillehammer, Hallvard, ed. (2022) The trolley problem. Classic Philosophical Arguments. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781009255615. (In Press)
Candlin, Fiona and Butler, Toby and Watts, J. (2022) Stories from small museums. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 9781526166883.
Ch'eng-en, W. and Lovell, Julia (2022) Monkey king: journey to the West. Penguin Classics. London, UK: Penguin. ISBN 9780241457399.
Crinson, Mark (2022) Shock city: image and architecture in industrial Manchester. London: Yale University Press. ISBN 9781913107338.
Doyle, Nancy and Medhurst, B. (2022) Evaluating and supporting Neurodifferences* at work. The Society of Occupational Medicine. ISBN 9781399921381.
Ertür, Başak (2022) Spectacles and specters: a performative theory of political trials. New York, U.S.: Fordham University Press. (In Press)
Eve, Martin Paul (2022) The Digital Humanities and Literary Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Frosh, Stephen (2022) Antisemitism and racism: ethical challenges for psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Horizons. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9798765104705. (In Press)
Grzankowski, Alex (2022) Generalized generality and non-propositional attitudes (Poopćena općenitost i nepropozicijski stavovi). Zagreb: Institute for Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia. ISBN 9789537137793.
Hackley, C. and Hackley, Amy Rungpaka (2022) Rethinking advertising as paratextual communication. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781800882614.
Huxtable, Simon (2022) News from Moscow: Soviet journalism and the limits of postwar reform. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780192857699.
Loizidou, Elena (2022) Anarchism: an art of living without law. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781138593008.
Markham, Tim (2022) Media and everyday life. London: Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781350348509.
McGeever, Brendan (2022) L’Antisémitisme dans la Révolution russe (1917-1920). Paris: les nuits rouges. ISBN 2913112722.
Palacios, Margarita (2022) Deseos Nómades. Estética y Política del Afecto. Santiago, Chile: Editorial Metales Pesados. ISBN 9789566203124.
Pryce, V. and Ross, Andy and Birdi, A. and Harwood, I. (2022) How to be a successful economist. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198869047.
Salecl, Renata (2022) Courir sur place: Le sujet otage du néolibéralisme. Paris, France: Editions Stilus. ISBN 9791095543428.
Singer, Peter N. (2022) Time for the ancients: measurement, theory, experience. Chronoi 3. Berlin: De Gruyter. ISBN 9783110751925.
Singh, J. and Crisafulli, Benedetta (2022) Brands and consumers: a research overview. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9780429449598.
Smith, Ron P. (2022) Defence acquisition and procurement: how (not) to buy weapons. Elements in Defence Economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781009189651.
Soobramanien, N. and Williams, Luke (2022) Diego Garcia: a novel. London: Fitzcarraldo Editions. ISBN 9781913097936.
Trim, Peter R.J. and Lee, Y.-I. (2022) Strategic cyber security management. London, UK: Routledge. ISBN 9781032154763.
Warner, Marina (2022) Helen Chadwick: The Oval Court. Afterall/MIT Press. ISBN 9781846382512.
Yamoah, Fred and Eshun Yawson, D. (2022) Contemporary retail marketing in emerging economies: the case of Ghana’s supermarket chains. Palgrave Studies of Marketing in Emerging Economies. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783031116605.
Acton, Harry (2022) Reading feeling: the embodied reader in D.H. Lawrence’s criticism and fiction. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Alireza, Hala Hussein (2022) Mechanisms of intervention and the interface with clinical practice: the example of word-finding difficulties. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Andrieu, Kieran Isaac Fabien (2022) Sugar and uneven development: a comparative historical analysis of class and state-formation in Mauritius and Jamaica. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Bana, Bianca (2022) Molecular mechanisms of protein export by the malaria parasite plasmodium falciparum. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Bard-Rosenberg, Jacob Solomon (2022) A history of dreams: reading Adorno and Benjamin through memory and forgetting. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Bassett, Jane Elizabeth (2022) Elegy and the politics of grief. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Beloe, Patricia Catherine (2022) Investigating neurocognitive mechanisms of adolescent vulnerability to emotional disorder via experimental methods and cognitive training in typically developing adolescents. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Bhanot, Krishan Kumar (2022) Spinel and garnet textures in mantle peridotite xenoliths and lunar dunite: a micro-CT study. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Bibi, Sugra (2022) The remittance cultures of Indian labourers: the Punjab 1850-1947. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Blackwell, Joanna Louise Knudson (2022) The needs and experiences of young fathers in prison. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Blackwell-Pal, Jaswinder Kaur (2022) Serving the self: authenticity, performance and emotional labour. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Bowman, Mike Charles (2022) Writing by numbers: case studies in digital art history. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Boyle, Tiffany (2022) ‘These gymnasts do not simply perform gymnastics’ - an analysis of visual representations of the gymnastic body. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Buck, Lucy Katharine (2022) Using ground penetrating radar to investigate tsunami deposits. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Buron, Melissa Eileen (2022) 'Twixt two worlds: the visions of James Tissot. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Burton, Jason William (2022) Understanding and supporting belief accuracy in a digital world. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Carteron, Aude Marie (2022) Development of routine and supervisory processes in sequential action control. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Carvalho de Paula Ferreira da Costa, Pedro Henrique (2022) Latent navigation for building better predictive models for neurodevelopment research. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Carvalho, Henrique Nuno Rebelo Melo De (2022) Abstracted objects: the vernacular metaphysics of copyright law. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Chapman, Bethany Louise (2022) Investigating the efficacy of adaptive cognitive training and understanding the role of work-related factors on the cognitive and emotional health of women with a history of breast cancer. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Chere, Brittney (2022) The impact of in-home noise on cognitive development. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Child, Russell Ben (2022) What is the point of blaming corporations? [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Close, Liam Kevin (2022) The psychometric structure of a game-based assessment. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Collender, Guy (2022) Liquid History: the chequered past of the Port of London, its governance, labour relations, trade, and national and global standing, 1900-1939. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Delgado Beresi, Natalia Iris (2022) Normative antinomy: a critical analysis of the relationship between the International Labour Organization and the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Desai, Krupa Chandrakant (2022) Photographic histories of postcolonial India: the politics of seeing (and unseeing). [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Diamantopoulos, Angelos (2022) Essays in dynamic games of information and risk sharing. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Dickeson, Zachary Ian (2022) Palaeolakes on Mars: geomorphology and hydrology at the planetary dichotomy. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Edwards, Richard Dickon (2022) Ronald Firbank and the legacy of camp modernism. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
El Hajjar, Ayman (2022) Key pre distribution in the context of IoT: the RPL new objective function SISLO. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Elliott, Richard James (2022) Productive omissions in Nietzsche’s philosophical psychology. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Ene-Mitrović, Irina Elena (2022) From testimony to memory: gender and racial identity in Portuguese women’s post-colonial literature and cinema. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Etchart, Linda Elizabeth (2022) Indigenous peoples’ rights and global governance of the environment: case study indigenous peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Evans, Nicholas Charles (2022) Stagnation or innovation? The work of the Local Government Board Medical Department between 1871 and 1919 and its impact on public health administration in England and Wales. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Eyton, Laurence Delorme (2022) 'Barriers to Progress’: campaigns to remove gates from London’s streets, 1845-1895. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Foran, Tom (2022) The investigation of the microtubule binding of human doublecortin-like kinase and microtubule dynamics, by cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Freeston, Janine Price (2022) Colour photography in Britain,1906-1932: exhibition, technology, commerce and culture - the dynamics that shaped its emergence. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Gal, Cécile Gabrielle (2022) Active learning in infancy and adulthood: individual strategies for information sampling. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Garayeva, Shafag (2022) Can thinking positive go wrong? A mixed-method study of positive thinking at work. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Gonourie Waldenström, Anna Andrea Elisabeth (2022) Approximative justice : dealing with differends and cross-border evidence in the EU. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Goodyer Sait, Lily Jane (2022) Structural and functional studies of cannabidiol interactions with voltage-gated sodium channels. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Haikal, Hannah Kristy (2022) Advancing the science and practice of multiteam systems; an exploratory study. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Hall, Simon (2022) Discounting and augmenting in causal conditional reasoning and the influence of how judgements are elicited. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Handley, Neil (2022) Museums of the ‘new’ medical professions in the twentieth century. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Haq, Anwar ul (2022) Grounded theory approach for the development of a new effectiveness model for e-learning services and its validation through partial least squares structural equation modelling. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Hasan, Abul Kalam Md. Rajib (2022) Extracting health information from social media. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Hassan, Syreen (2022) The decision and determinants of adjuvant chemotherapy for stage III colon cancer. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Havers, Laura Kathleen (2022) Psychotic experiences and negative symptoms in the community from adolescence to emerging adulthood. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Hodgett, Beth (2022) Life in photographs: archaeology, assemblage and temporality in the archive of O.G.S. Crawford. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Hughes, Gerallt Emlyn (2022) Timescales of magmatic processes during the 2013-2017 eruption at Volcán de Colima, Mexico. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Iliopoulos, Panagiotis (2022) Essays on the network structure of global production. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Jandu, Gurbachan Singh (2022) Internal variations in Sikh hostland national identity: dimensions of Sikh Britishness. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Jiang, Yunwen (2022) Emerging market multinational enterprises’ cross-border mergers and acquisitions: acquisition motives, deal accomplishment, and acquisition performance. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Jones, Elizabeth (2022) What is ‘anti-spectacular’ fiction?: reconstructing Guy Debord’s ‘spectacular’ alienation in the contemporary novel. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Jones, Sarah Elizabeth (2022) Prokaryotic dissolution of sulfide minerals. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Karkalas, Sokratis (2022) Simplifying authoring and facilitating component reuse of programming tutors. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Kender, Philipp Patrick (2022) Authoritarian government in early twenty-first century Europe: elements of a genealogy. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Kiseleva, Margarita (2022) Are decisive and rational people more likely to be at the top of the career ladder? A quantitative investigation of cognition and behaviour in decision making as predictors of career outcomes. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Kurter, Zeynep ̈Ozde (2022) Essays on the macroeconomic determinants of sovereign and systemic risk. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Leaf, Janette Marie (2022) Locating the Sympathetic Insect: Cultural Entomology, Egyptianised Gothic, and Emotional Affect in Richard Marsh's 'The Beetle'. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Leung, Pui Yin (2022) Inner speech development during acculturation: a longitudinal explanatory sequential mixed methods study on Chinese university students in the UK. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Lewis, Hayley Anne Jeanne (2022) How do women business owners define success and what are the psychological factors that enable them to succeed? [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Liebenrood, Mark Colin (2022) Museum closure in the UK, 1960–2010: contexts and microhistories. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Lyons, Hannah (2022) ‘Exercising the ART as a TRADE’: professional women printmakers in England, c1750-c1850. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Mansour, Dina Mohamed Khaled Khalil (2022) Egypt: a fluid institutional affair - an institutional theory interrogation of the Egyptian business services sector: the triad relationship of institutions, entrepreneurship and institutional intermediaries. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Martin, Annalisa Daniela (2022) Managing commercial sex in West Germany, 1950s-1980s. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
McBryde, Sarah Jane (2022) Making a visible difference : symbolism and individuality in representations of the Medici court dwarfs in early modern Florence. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
McLaren, Susan (2022) Outsourcing government: the use of outcome-based payments in UK social policy. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Metallinou, Lida (2022) An examination of the role of comparative advantages on Chinese outward foreign direct investment: the case of cross-border mergers & acquisitions and greenfield investments. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Molesworth St Aubyn, Carolyn (2022) Puzzles in household finance and consumption: theory and evidence from the PSID. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Monistrol, Jim Emilien Jacques (2022) The aggregation of alpha-synuclein and its disaggregation by the Hsp70 disaggregation machinery. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Montgomery, Steven Derek (2022) A contestatory theory of political obligations. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Morris, Owain Gwynn (2022) Ties that bind: assessing ancient networks in Iron Age Campania. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Mulligan-Foster, Clare Margaret (2022) Contextual influences on the decision to recareer from an occupational role to a contemporary career for workers aged over 50. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Mumby, Victoria Jane (2022) The quiet death of the League of Nations, 1945-48. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Muselmani, Wael (2022) Probing sequence plasticity of Ung inhibitors via synthetic and structural biology. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Myerson, Eleanor (2022) Narratives of medieval Syriana: imported objects, diasporic presence and melancholia (1291–1516). [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Myerson, Sasha Rosalind (2022) The neon ferris wheel: collective subjects and communities in second wave feminist cyberpunk. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Nassereldein, Leila (2022) The collated aesthetic: correspondences in the interwar work of Walter Benjamin and Humphrey Jennings. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Newton, Jeremy Nigel (2022) Mr Jones’ defence: a re-appraisal of the works of Henry Arthur Jones. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Nicholls, Anthony Jeffery Stephen (2022) Young metropolitan Anglo-Jewish masculinities: a qualitative interview study investigating intersectionality between Jewishness, Britishness, and masculinity. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Nilekani, Nihar Nandan (2022) Second order consequentialism: a defense. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Nizza, Isabella Elizabeth (2022) Unfolding portraits of pain: a longitudinal interpretative phenomenological analysis of chronic pain sufferers’ self-management journeys as recounted through interviews and drawings of pain and self. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Oancea, Camelia (2022) An integrative approach to the study of employee psychology in mergers and acquisitions: systematic review, meta-analysis, case study and CART decision-trees. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Okudzeto, Senam Awo (2022) Ghana must go: modernity, memory and material culture in post-independence West Africa. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Onyerionwu, Ezechi (2022) The private and the public selves in Atkinson Wokoma’s diaries: constructing self-identity in African colonial modernity. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Oparnica, Zeljka (2022) Sephardi politics in the Balkans 1900–1940. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Papasavva, Michael (2022) Variability in face recognition ability: insights from social motivation, early perception and neural correlates. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Philippou, Sofia (2022) Natural gas, liquefied natural gas and electricity markets. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Pope, Michael Aidan (2022) Proselytizing empires: the many conversions of the Iberian Atlantic, 1479-1668. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Purcell, Kerry William (2022) The militant historian: the concept of history in the work of Alain Badiou. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Qureshi, Masuda Khatun (2022) Celestial philosophy: early modern women and the literary genres of philosophical expression (1640-1720). [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Ramsahye, Nilma (2022) Doing cultural fit in job interviews: the challenge of diversity in recruitment practices. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Reilly, Erin Kathleen (2022) Towards an ethical culture: American mythologies and the limits of freedom in the work of David Foster Wallace. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Rizzo, Carlo (2022) Collecting and displaying contemporary Middle Eastern art and design at the V&A : a comparative study of museum practice. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Ronan, Harley Arron (2022) The socio-spatial composition of property relationships. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Rosser, Stephen Francis (2022) Rebuilding the City of London in the age of global markets: a study of architectural discourse. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Rush, Simon John Nowell (2022) The first Romanesque architecture of Conflent, Pyrénées-Orientales, France (66). Tradition, system and style. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Salkovskis, Cora (2022) ‘Queer mind and body’: reflections on the interpretation, communication, and experience of the body in the British Asylum, c.1840-1914. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Sanya, Oluwasijibomi Oluwagbemiga (2022) Contagion in sovereign debt and commodities markets. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Schröer, Lisanne (2022) Multilevel goal management in toddlers’ and preschoolers’ action sequence planning and execution. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Serman, Zehra Ece (2022) Believe it or not: what factors affect the blog readers' perception of bloggers’ credibility and blog readers’ trust in bloggers' recommendations. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Shukis-Brown, Christine (2022) Discourses of digital difference: a discursive study of the relationship between media representations of age and digital life and the identity work of ‘older’ digital professionals. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Singh, Amit (2022) Fighting for & against race: racialization, racism & kickboxing in East London. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Smith, Barbara (2022) Petrology and mineral chemistry of shallow intrusive carbonatites : examples from the Kola Peninsula and Cape Verde. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Stearn, Robert Edmund Chambury (2022) Managing skill, 1680–1730: domestic service and the forms of practical knowledge. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Sweeney, Aaron Patrick (2022) Fitting small molecules to cryo-electron microscopy data. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Taylor, Denise Karen (2022) How do people find meaning after retirement from full-time work and what are the psychological factors that help? [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Townsend, George Jack Nairne (2022) A cultural history of Parson’s Pleasure. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Tugwell, Sharon Ann (2022) My mother, my self: a psychosocial exploration of breastfeeding selfies in relation to the female imaginary, the mycelium and the matrixial. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Valle Junior, Luiz Artur Costa do (2022) From the performance of identity to the law of desire: (mis)readings of Lacan in queer theory. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Van Rooyen, Jacobus Marthinus (2022) Persistent segregation: spatial patterns and dynamics of residential segregation in Cape Town. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Webb, Stephanie (2022) Motility and regulation of kinesin-2. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Weston, Kelli (2022) ‘The other’ women: Black women as the double in female gothic cinema. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Yang, Xu (2022) Early modern London merchants and the mercantile community around 1700. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Zhao, Fengzhi (2022) Language, space and cosmopolitan identity in contemporary Shanghai. [Thesis] (Unpublished)
Leslie, Esther (2022) A Somers Town Companion. [Artefact]
Leslie, Esther and Jackson, M. (2022) The Inextinguishable. [Artefact]
Leslie, Esther and Schmitz, E. (2022) Animate Assembly. [Artefact]
Ballard, F. and Goldhill, J. and Robinson, Carly (2022) Mending the psyche: art as reparation. [Show/Exhibition]
Corr, R. and Robinson, D. and Baraitser, Lisa (2022) Time being. [Show/Exhibition]
Pedley, J. and Petridis, P. and Siopis, P. (2022) Enduring circumstances. [Show/Exhibition]
Leslie, Esther (2022) Long reads: Esther Leslie on Walter Benjamin's messianic Marxism. [Audio]
Baraitser, Lisa and Salisbury, Laura (2022) Chiasmic time: being-in-time in Time Being. Birkbeck, University of London.
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